January 20: saint of the day, name day


The Saint of the 20 January is Saints Sebastiano and Fabiano, which name day is celebrated and other saints that are celebrated on this date.

Saints Sebastiano and Fabiano

Fabiano was elected bishop of Rome in 236 and suffered martyrdom in 250.

The narration of the extraordinary circumstances which led to his election as Pope is reported by Eusebio in the Historia Ecclesiastica.

In this text it is said that the members of the assembly of Christians gathered in Rome to elect the new pope, while they were examining the names of many noble and illustrious characters, saw a dove resting right on the head of Fabiano, who was a simple peasant of passage in the city.

This scene reminded those present of the episode of the gospel that tells of the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus.

So it was that, feeling inspired by God, they decided to elect Fabiano as Pope Antero's successor.

During his 14-year pontificate, of which the news is in short supply, the persecutions against Christians experienced a truce.

Sebastiano was originally from Narnone and was raised by his parents according to the principles of the Christian faith.

When he went to Rome, he made a career in the imperial army, taking on important positions.

As Emperor Diocletian tried to convert his comrades in arms to Catholicism, he ordered that he be killed pierced by arrows.

Many paintings represent him actually killed in this way, but in reality he did not die in this way.

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In fact, he was healed by the Roman matron Irene and was able to reappear in front of the emperor who made this provision, this time, that he was killed with lashes and thrown into the tunnels of the sewer network.

But a Christian man of righteous principles was commissioned in a dream to recover his body and to bury it in a minor basilica in Rome.

San Sebastiano is considered the patron of the Italian Confraternities of Mercy, able to intercede with God in favor of the martyred and the suffering.

Other saints and celebrations on January 20

  • San Fabiano
  • Pope and martyr

  • San Sebastiano
  • Martyr

  • Sant'Ascla
  • Martyr

  • Blessed Benedetto Ricasoli from Coltibuono
  • Hermit

  • Blessed Cyprian Michele Iwene Tansi
  • Religious

  • Sant’rico di Uppsala
  • Bishop and martyr

  • Santa Eustochia (Smeralda) Caulker of Messina
  • Euthymius
  • Abbot

  • Santa Maria Cristina of the Immaculate Conception (Adelaide Brando)
  • Religious and founder

  • Saint Neophyte of Nicea
  • Martyr

  • Boxing Day Min Kuk-ka
  • Catechist and martyr

    St Sebastian (Feast Day 20-Jan) (April 2024)

Tags: January