What to see in La Verna, itinerary including the main places of interest, including the Franciscan Sanctuary, the Church of the Stigmata, Cella di San Francesco and Sasso Spicco.
Tourist information
In the Casentino rises the Monte Penna de La Verna, whose limestone peak, which is part of the Tuscan Apennines with its 1289 meters above sea level, was donated in 1213 by Count Orlando Catani di Chiusi to San Francesco d'Assisi, who spent there a long period of solitude and prayer, during which, in 1224, at the height of a profound mystical experience, he received the stigmata that made the place sacred.
The Franciscan Sanctuary of La Verna, which is located just below the top of the mountain, was born and has its roots in this fascinating and mysterious historical event.
Coming from the back of the convent, you enter a square where there is the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, built in 1216, the Museum of the Sanctuary and the Maggiore church, dating back to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
What see
Through a corridor you reach the Church of the Stigmata, dating back to 1263, erected where San Francesco received the Stigmata.
You can also visit the cave that was the Cella di San Francesco, with the stone bed and the Sasso Spicco, a huge protruding rock under which the Saint lived.
The Sanctuary of Verna, in addition to being a sacred place inserted in a landscape of great naturalistic interest, is also important from an artistic point of view, as there are valuable collections of Della Robbia terracotta, as well as frescoes and other remarkable works of art. 'art.