Motivational phrases: aphorisms on motivation


Collection of motivational phrases to achieve the goal or a goal, quotes and aphorisms on motivation to make a dream come true or make a success come true.

Aphorisms on motivation

- We have infinite reasons to fail, but we cannot be excused for this.

- Inflate your chest, put one foot in front of the other, and don't stop until you cross the finish line. (Dean Karnazes)

- If you think of giving up, don't do it as you would run the risk of doing it just before a miracle occurs.

- How far is the top? You go up and don't think about it! (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- The future belongs to those who firmly believe in the beauty of their dreams.

- It may seem that honest people finish last, but usually participate in another race. (Kenneth Blanchard)

- Life is made up of a small part of what happens to you, what remains depends on your reactions.

- There are two great goals in life: the first, to get what you want, and the second, to enjoy it. Only the wisest members of humanity can do the second thing. (Logan Pearsall Smith)

- How to reach a goal? Without haste but without stopping. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

- A missed opportunity is certainly one of the things that never come back.

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- Anyone who ceases to learn is to be considered old, regardless of their age, while those who continue to be curious about learning something new remain young.

- If you want to be happy for a day, have a party. For two weeks take a trip. For life he finds a goal to reach. (Frank Tibolt)

- Constantly trying to do what you are unable to do, in some cases it allows you to find a way to do it.

- Anyone who stops learning is old, who is 20 or 80 years old. Anyone who continues to learn remains young. The biggest thing in life is to keep your mind young. (Henry Ford)

- Fear of failure could make a dream impossible.

- In twenty years you will be more annoyed by the things you have not done than by what you have done. So drop your moorings, get out of the safe harbor and let the wind blow your sails. Explore. She dreams. Discover. (Mark Twain)

- To be similar to the sea that breaks against the rocks, you must always find the strength to try again.

- Always be like the sea that breaking against the rocks, always finds the strength to try again. (Jim Morrison)

- It should not be forgotten that success and failure are not definitive situations, as what really matters is to continue on one's path without giving up.

- Whatever you can do or dream of doing, start it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. (Goethe)

- Many people have been successful in life because they have chosen not to listen to those who did not believe in their dreams.

- If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done. (Thomas Jefferson)

- Challenges have the ability to make life interesting, if overcome they give it a deeper meaning.

- I don't think you have to be better than anyone else. I believe you must be better than you ever thought you could be. (Ken Venturi)

- People who before each action are used to waiting for all conditions to be perfect will never actually act.

- If you like your job to the point that you do it with passion it will never tire you.

- If you do your job with love you will surely be successful as the competition is very low.

Motivational phrases

- Never be discouraged because any attempt, right or wrong, is still a further step forward.

- The greatest satisfaction in life will be to be able to do what others thought you would never be able to do.

- Do not wait long as it will never be the ideal time, act and break all the difficulties you will encounter.

- If you want a happy life you have to dedicate it to a goal, not to people or things. (Albert Einstein)

- Foolish is someone who waits for the lucky day to do things, because if you really want to do something, every moment is the right one.

- A winner is usually the one who recognizes his natural talents, works hard to develop them in skills, and uses these skills to achieve his goals. (Larry Joe Bird)

- Know that winning is not essential, not trying to do it is unforgivable.

- What keeps me moving are my goals. (Muhammad Ali)

- Any dream you have tries to make it happen boldly, listen to the beats of your heart to find the strength that is in you, essential to achieve the goal.

- Those seagulls who do not have an ideal destination and who travel only to travel, do not get anywhere, and go slowly. Those who aspire to perfection, even without undertaking any journey, arrive everywhere, in a flash. (Richard Bach)

- Live the life you want, confidently following the direction traced by your dreams.

- When your goals are in line with your essence, spells happen. (Leslye Pario)

- We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of light. (Plato)

- Between two ways to be successful, it can often make the difference to choose the one less traveled by others.

- He who knows his goal feels strong; this strength makes him serene; this serenity ensures inner peace; only inner peace allows deep reflection; deep reflection is the starting point of any success. (Lao Tse)

- Remember that in a few decades you may be disappointed not for the things you have done but for what you could have done.

- Who knows others is wise, who knows himself is enlightened. Whoever wins others is powerful, whoever wins himself is strong. (Lao Tzu)

- I've always tried. I've always failed. Do not argue. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. (Samuel Beckett)

- Don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong. (Ella Fitzgerald)

- The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

- The art of winning is learned in defeat. (Simon Bolivar)

- If I can't do big things, I can do little things in a fantastic way. (Martin Luther King Jr.)

- Keep your face always facing the sun and the shadows will fall behind you. (Walt Whitman)

- The three essential elements for getting anything worth having are; first, hard work, second, persistence, and third, common sense. (Thomas Edison)

- It's never too late to be what you wanted to be. (George Eliot)

- When everything seems to go wrong, remember that the planes take off against the wind, not with the wind in favor. (Henry Ford)

- The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can't do. (Walter Bagehot)

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