Phrases about necessity: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and sentences on necessity and need, or on those situations in which you are in a condition of total impossibility to act differently, to perform a certain action or to make a choice.

Quotes about necessity

- In the first place, giving in to circumstances, that is, obeying necessity, is always a feature of the wise. (Guide)

- We must endure as best as possible the portion of fate that is assigned to us, knowing that the strength of necessity is invincible. (Aeschylus)

- Balance your needs with your wealth and you will not be poor or rich, but simply lucky. (Kilo Of Sparta)

- The ability to simplify means to eliminate the superfluous so that it is the need to speak. (Hans Hofmann)

- Necessity is the theme and inventor of nature, and the eternal brake and rule. (Leonardo da Vinci)

- Nothing happens by chance, but everything according to reason and necessity. (Leucippo)

- You can't escape necessities, but you can overcome them. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- Culture is not a luxury, it is a necessity. (Gao Xingjian)

- We give praise for virtue to necessity. (Marco Fabio Quintiliano)

- Even for the simple flight of a butterfly, the whole sky is necessary. (Paul Claudel)

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- Necessity usually has more strength than affection. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- Necessity is the veil of God. (Simone Weil)

- True eloquence consists in saying the necessary and only the necessary. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- A writer does not write because he is educated, but because he is driven by the need to communicate. Behind the need to communicate there is the need to share. Behind the need to share there is the need to be understood. The writer wants to be understood much more than he wants to be respected or praised or even loved. And this, perhaps, is what makes it different from others. (Leo Calvin Rosten)

- You are never strong enough that you don't need help. (Cesar Estrada Chavez)

- Everything that happens from the largest to the smallest things necessarily happens. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- The primitive needs of workers are a much richer source of income than the refined needs of the rich. (Karl Marx)

- Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. (Dalai Lama)

- Necessity is the mother of inventions. (Plato)

- Nothing would be more tiring than eating and drinking if God, besides being a necessity, had not made it a pleasure. (Voltaire)

- Chance, although forced to play between the straight lines of necessity, and directed obliquely in its movements by free will, although so commanded by those two, chance commands them in turn, and gives the last blow, what shape, to events. (Herman Melville)

- There seems to be in man, as in the bird, a need for migration, a vital need to feel elsewhere. (Marguerite Yourcenar)

- The first step to improve your performance is to identify the need for improvement. (Daniel Goleman)

- Whatever the price, only what is needed is bought well. (Marco Tullio Cicerone)

- Many times the same thing is pulled by two violences, that is, necessity and empowerment: the water rains, the earth sorb it for the sake of humor, and the sun dries it not out of necessity but out of potency. (Leonardo da Vinci)

- The degree of civilization of a nation is measured by its contempt for the needs of existence. (William Somerset Maugham)

- The greater the need appears, the less freedom appears. And viceversa. (Lev Tolstoj)

- The multitude obeys more than necessity rather than reason, and punishments more than honor. (Aristotle)

Aphorisms on necessity

- Make rest a necessity, not a goal. Just rest long enough to recover your strength. (Jim Rohn)

- The things that one generation considers a luxury, the next generation considers them necessities. (Anthony Crosland)

- Who is in a state of need has the right to provide for his own needs from the wealth of others. (Pope Paul VI)

- Men are so simple and so obey present needs that he who deceives will always find those who will be deceived.(Niccolo Machiavelli)

- Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play, where nature can heal and give strength in equal measure to the body and soul. (John Muir)

- If we do what is necessary, all the odds are in our favor. (Henry Kissinger)

- Of course, our own irrational demand affects us by the strength of its need, while the needs of other people strike us as whims to be satisfied. (Daphne Miriam Merkin)

- Iron necessity is something that men throughout history understand, that it is neither iron nor necessary. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- Civilization is the unlimited multiplication of unnecessary needs. (Mark Twain)

- The solidarity of the human race is not only a beautiful and noble sign, but a pressing need, a being or not being, a matter of life or death. (Immanuel Kant)

- The first human need is the superfluous. (Albert Einstein)

- Necessity is bad, but it is not necessary to live in necessity. (Epicurus)

- Our idea of ​​justice changes according to our needs, and we always consider that what is necessary can also be right. (Javier Marias)

- Few are slaves out of necessity; most are voluntarily. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- Self-esteem does not replace a roof on the head or a full belly, but increases the possibility that the individual will find ways to satisfy these needs. (Nathaniel Branden)

- For some, torment is a necessity, a need, an appetite, a complacency. (Emil Cioran)

- Where your skills meet and the needs of the world resides your call. (Aristotle)

- Luxury is a necessity that begins when the need ends. (Coco Chanel)

- We don't need more strength or more capacity or more opportunities. What we need is to use what we have. (Basil Walsh)

- I cannot consider any need in childhood as strong as the need for protection from the father. (Sigmund Freud)

- Everything that exists in the universe is the result of chance and necessity. (Democritus)

- The useless and the superfluous are more indispensable to man than necessary. (René Barjavel)

- When the beginner is aware of his needs, he ends up being smarter than the absent-minded sage. (Paulo Coelho)

- If understanding is impossible, knowing is necessary. (Primo Levi)

- The wise person never refuses anything to necessity. (Publilio Siro)

- The superfluous has become so necessary that many people, in order to get it, consider the necessary as superfluous. (Alphonse Karr)

- True well-being is not needing anything. (Gary Snyder)

- Everything that exists in the universe is the result of chance and necessity. (Democritus)

Phrases about necessity

- Sometimes you find that what you wanted wasn't really what you needed. (Michael Bolton)

- When necessity forces us to use sincere words, the mask falls and we see the man. (Lucretius)

- The ego needs to conflict with something or someone. This explains why you are looking for peace, joy and love but you cannot tolerate them for long. You say you want happiness but you are addicted to unhappiness. (Eckhart Tolle)

- Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible. And suddenly you will be surprised to do the impossible. (Saint Francis of Assisi)

- The wise man who has adapted to needs knows better about sharing with others than taking everything for himself; in self-sufficiency he found such a great treasure. (Epicurus)

- Only those who need a delicate touch, can touch gently. (Hermann Hesse)

- What you need will present itself to you if you want nothing but what you don't need. (Nisargadatta Maharaj)

- Sometimes trying your best is not enough; we must do what is necessary. (Winston Churchill)

- Freedom lies in the recognition of necessity. (Baruch Spinoza)

- Despair is a necessary ingredient to learn something or to create anything. Point. If you arrive at a certain point, you are not desperate, it is not interesting. (Jim Carrey)

- From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. (Karl Marx)

- A table, a chair, a fruit basket and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy? (Albert Einstein)

- Humans are prey to three chronic and incurable diseases: the need for food, the need for sleep and the need for respect. (Henry De Montherland)

- From each according to his skills, to each according to his needs. (Karl Marx)

- The sages are instructed by reason; common minds from experience; stupid by necessity; and brutes from instinct. (Guide)

- If you have a garden and a library, you have everything that is needed. (Marco Tullio Cicerone)

- Man absolutely needs general ideas and beliefs that give meaning to his life and that allow him to identify his place in the universe. (Carl Gustav Jung)

- A habit, if not opposed, soon becomes a necessity. (St. Augustine)

- I don't think necessity is the mother of inventions - inventions, in my opinion, arise directly from inactivity, probably also from idleness, perhaps even from a certain laziness. To save us annoyances. (Agatha Christie)

- Strange is the art of our need, which can make vile things precious. (William Shakespeare)

- Sometimes trying your best is not enough; we must do what is necessary. (Winston Churchill)

- Everyone is necessary, and nobody is very necessary. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

- I don't need esteem, nor glory, or other similar things; but I need love. (Giacomo Leopardi)

- In the world there is enough for man's needs, but not for his greed. (Mahatma Gandhi)

- It is necessary to continue dreaming, otherwise our soul dies. (Paulo Coelho)

- Men, not enough for them what is necessary, are anxious for what is useless. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

- In the world there is enough for man's needs, but not for his greed. (Mahatma Gandhi)

- We live in an era where the superfluous is our only need. (Oscar Wilde)

- Good captains never come to the day if necessity doesn't hold them tight or opportunity doesn't call them. (Niccolo Machiavelli)

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