Middle East

United Arab Emirates: useful information

Useful information on the United Arab Emirates, including all the things to know before leaving for a trip or vacation in this state of Southwest Asia. United Arab Emirates in a nutshell Capital:...

Middle East: meaning, list of states

Meaning of the Middle East, which are the states that make up this geographical region of Asia and the distinct ethnic groups that speak 7 different languages. DefinitionMost of the western...

Persian Gulf: what are the countries

Where the Persian Gulf is located, strategic logistical importance for navigation, list of the states concerned and cities washed by its waters, characteristics of the coast and islands included in...

Dubai (United Arab Emirates): what to see

What to see in Dubai, where it is located, characteristics of the territory, coast and islands, neighborhoods, main attractions and itinerary of places of interest to visit, from skyscrapers with...

Bahrain (Persian Gulf): what to see

What to see in Bahrain, where it is located, neighboring states and islands that compose it, historical and climatic characteristics, places of interest and desert track for Formula 1 races. ...
