Swedish proverbs: sayings and idioms


Selection of Swedish proverbs, sayings and idioms most used in Sweden, translated into Italian, as testimony to the wisdom of its people.

Swedish idioms

- Money opens all doors but not that of heaven.

- Butterflies forget they were once caterpillars.

- The words of the drunk man are the thoughts of the sober man.

- Death is the last doctor.

- Better to listen to a broken string than one that has never bent a bow.

- We praise to be praised.

- He who digs a pit for others often falls into it alone.

- We immediately notice the faults of others and easily forget ours.

- For lazy pigs the ground is always frozen.

- A bad craftsman complains about his tools.

Recommended readings
  • Hebrew proverbs: sayings and idioms
  • Eskimo proverbs: sayings and idioms
  • Romanian proverbs: sayings and idioms
  • Proverbs about happiness: popular sayings
  • Calabrian proverbs: sayings and idioms

- He who knows how to do everything gets angry in everything.

- It is always the darkest moment before sunrise.

- Devils have more than twelve apostles.

- A job that has already been paid progresses slowly.

- He who whispers lies.

- He who speaks well knows how to lie well.

- Away from home is nice but at home it's better.

- Evening singing with alcohol: morning singing with cough.

- Justifying a mistake means making a mistake again.

- When there are no hens, the fox searches for crows.

- We are all children from the beginning.

- Mad and obstinate people make lawyers rich.

- A clear conscience is the best pillow.

- Lawyers and soldiers are the devil's playmates.

- The second wedding came the heated coffee.

- Anyone who has nothing to do is always busy.

- A good laugh prolongs life.

- Do not say hello before passing the climb.

- Bad cats have scratched skin.

- The joke is the weapon of the person of spirit; seriousness is the shield of the obtuse.

- Everything is not for everyone.

- Be serious and have fun at the same time.

- Away from home is nice but at home it's better.

- You can't teach old dogs to get into bed.

- Cry less, breathe more; talk less, talk more; hate less, love more and all good things will be yours.

- Nothing is so perfect that it can't be done better.

- Better a bird in your hand than ten in the woods.

- Whichever way you turn it the backside is always behind.

Swedish sayings

- A life without love is like a year without summer.

- How long did Adam stay in paradise?

- Those who get married for love have pleasant nights and heavy days.

- Gold blinds many, love blinds everyone.

- An ounce of lie saves tons of explanations.

- Those who dig a pit for others often fall into it.

- The afternoon knows things he never suspected in the morning.

- A successful writer has a good memory and hopes that others don't.

- Money opens all doors but not that of heaven.

- The more cooks are, the worse the soup is.

- The words of the drunk man are the thoughts of the sober man.

- Red hair and pine woods rarely grow where the land is good.

- Better to listen to a broken string than one that has never bent a bow.

- The stones placed on the grave of the dead by different hands than those of the children are rare.

- He who digs a pit for others often falls into it alone.

- Loyalty is the greatest treasure that can be found.

- For lazy pigs the ground is always frozen.

- Sometimes it is better with the fox's tail than with the lion's claw.

- He who knows how to do everything gets angry in everything.

- Poverty and love are difficult to hide.

- Devils have more than twelve apostles.

- More stupid than evil, the proud takes pity.

- He who whispers lies.

- In a good book the best thing is between the lines.

- Away from home is nice but at home it's better.

- Luck never gives; lends only.

- The important thing is not to win but to do your best.

- Shortcuts are often longer roads.

- The Lord gives all the birds a worm, but he does not let it find it in the nest.

- When a blind man brings a lame man, both proceed.

- It is getting darker before dawn.

- The miser runs after the riches like a crow behind a corpse.

- An admitted fault is half forgiven.

- There is no dance where the devil does not put his tail.

- Your praise stinks.

- For lazy pigs the ground is always frozen.

- There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

- He who always knows everything never learns anything.

Swedish proverbs

- A bad craftsman complains about his tools.

- The coward dies thousands of times, the brave dies only once.

- Better a sincere no than a false yes.

- You have to take the customs of the place where you arrive.

- A chain is not stronger than its weakest link.

- He who fears every bush is not suitable to enter a wood.

- Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved.

- The liar is believed only once.

- A journey of a thousand miles always starts with one step.

- A piece of bread in your pocket is better than a feather on the hat.

- There is no bad weather, only inadequate clothes.

- A wise man hides his erudition better than a fool his ignorance.

- A clear conscience is the best pillow.

- All the fools in this world are brothers.

- Beauty fits any outfit well.

- The closer the source, the clearer the water.

- Nice people always arrive late.

- With servants it is like with clothes, they wear out with use.

- Young people go into gangs, adults in pairs, and old people all alone.

- In the desert, sand is cheap.

- Success brings friends, adversity tests them.

- The beautiful flowers wither immediately, the weeds last the whole season.

- Hand in hand we proceed faster.

- No tree grows to the sky.

- For lazy pigs the ground is always frozen.

- A shared happiness is a double happiness, a shared pain is half a pain.

- The neighbor's cow always has the largest breast.

- Through themselves you know others.

- He who does not want to work does not even have to eat.

- Whoever comes to the mill first grinds first.

- Everyone recommends prosperity, but few know how to rejoice.

- Do not heat your lips on the soup of others.

- If you give another little finger, you take the whole hand.

- An old love never rusts.

- A childless wedding is like a sunless sky.

- Writing well and speaking well is only vanity if you don't live well.

- Shortcuts are often longer roads.

- Do not climb a mountain when you have small stones in front of you.

- A true friend is the one with whom silence can be shared.

- A house built to satisfy everyone's taste will not have a roof.

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