Tomato soup: original recipe


How to make pappa al pomodoro, typical Tuscan original recipe to cook in a few simple steps, necessary ingredients, procedure and cooking time.

Ingredients for 4 people

- Stale homemade bread gr. 300

- Ripe or peeled tomatoes gr. 500

- 2 cloves of garlic

- Basil

- One liter of broth

- Olive oil

- Salt and pepper

Preparation of tomato soup original recipe

In a saucepan brown, in 6 tablespoons of oil, divide them in half.

As soon as they begin to color, add the peeled and shredded tomatoes and plenty of basil.

Salt, pepper and cook for a quarter of an hour. Pour the boiling broth and when the boil stands out add the bread cut into thin slices.

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Cook another 10 minutes, turning often, then turn off the heat.

After an hour, stir well, to completely break the bread, then, if you want, you can heat it for a moment.

Serve it hot (never hot) or lukewarm with a drizzle of raw oil.

Do not use cheese at all.

BEST Tomato Soup Recipe! (January 2025)

Tags: First classics