Baked monkfish pie, recipe with cream and asparagus


How to make baked monkfish pie, recipe to cook with cream, egg white and asparagus, preparation in about half an hour, excluding cooking.

Ingredients for 2 people

- 350 gr monkfish

- 4 spoons of cream

- 1 egg white

- 150 gr asparagus tips

- butter

- salt and pepper

Preparation of monkfish pie

Remove the pulp from the anglerfish and pass it in the mixer until a puree is obtained, then transfer it to a bowl, add salt and pepper and gradually add the cream and the egg whites.

Steam the asparagus for about 10 minutes, then butter a rectangular mold and line it with a sheet of parchment paper to make it adhere well.

Place some asparagus on the bottom, then cover with a third of the monkfish mixture and form two more layers, alternating asparagus and mixture.

Put in the preheated oven at 180 ° C and cook for about 25 minutes.

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Serve the monkfish pie already sliced, possibly accompanying it with hot tomato sauce and boiled potatoes.

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Tags: Fish main courses