Bible phrases: aphorisms, quotations


Most beautiful famous phrases in the bible, a collection not to be missed between quotes, love aphorisms and verses that can help you better understand the meaning of life and death.

Bible quotes

- And here is a voice from heaven exclaiming: "This is my son, the beloved in whom I am pleased".

- My soul awaits the Lord more than sentinels the dawn.

- Faith is the foundation of what we hope for and proof of the things we don't see.

- Do not judge and you will not be judged; do not condemn and you will not be condemned; forgive and you will be forgiven.

- Do to others what you would like to be done to you.

- Do not be intrusive to not be rejected. Don't be distant in order not to be forgotten.

- The sovereign, with justice, stabilizes the country; but whoever thinks only of imposing taxes will ruin it.

- I speak to you as intelligent people. Judge for yourself what I say.

- Faith is certainty of things that are hoped for, demonstration of things that are not seen.

- He went to Jerusalem; before the ark of the covenant of the Lord he offered burnt offerings, made communion sacrifices and gave a banquet for all his servants.

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- And in this lies love: in walking according to his commandments. This is the commandment that you learned from the beginning; walk in it.

- Even if I spoke the languages ​​of men and angels, but I did not have charity, they are like a bronze that resounds or a cymbal that clinks.

- The right man takes care of the life of his animal; only the wicked use cruelty to him.

- If one injures his neighbor, it will be done to him as he did to the other; fracture by fracture, eye by eye, tooth by tooth; he will be injured in the same way that he did to the other.

- The rich dominate the poor and who receives loans is a slave to his creditor.

- What is wrong cannot be straightened and what is missing cannot be counted.

- The wise man has his eyes on his forehead, but the fool walks in the dark. But I also know that one fate is reserved for both of them.

- The heart of the wise is in a mourning house and the heart of the foolish in a party house.

- Do not be too scrupulous or wise beyond measure. Why do you want to ruin yourself? Don't be too bad and don't be foolish. Why do you want to die before time?

- Do not investigate the mysteries of God and the nature of heaven; for you are mortal, take care of what is mortal.

- The love of money is the root of all sorts of harmful things.

Bible aphorisms

- Do to others what you would like to be done to you.

- Only a breath is every man who lives, like a man who passes by as shadow; only a breath that agitates, accumulates wealth and does not know who collects it.

- The stone rejected by the builders has become the corner head. Here is the work of the Lord a marvel in our eyes.

- You don't live on bread alone.

- Science is worth more than pearls and nothing precious equals it.

- The prayer of those who humble themselves penetrate through the clouds.

- Delayed expectation makes the heart sick, but the desired thing when it happens really becomes a tree of life!

- The satiated soul will trample the honeycomb, but every bitter thing is sweet to the hungry soul.

- The poor man is hateful even to relatives, the rich man has many friends. Whoever despises the tap, commits sin, whoever has pity on the poor is happy.

- In the evening of life what matters is having loved.

- Man's mind thinks a lot about his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

- A vegetable dish with love is better than a fat ox with hate.

- An open rebuke is better than a hidden love.

- Behold, the days are coming, says Yahweh, when I will bring forth a righteous sprout to David, who will reign as king and prosper, and will do reason and justice in the country. (Jeremiah)

- Hatred provokes quarrels, love covers all guilt.

- Then you will mean justice, equity, righteousness, all ways of good. (Proverbs)

- Anger is cruel, anger is impetuous; but who can resist jealousy?

- But woe to you, Pharisees, because you pay the tithing of mint, rue and every herb, and neglect justice and love of God! These are the things that had to be done, without neglecting the others. (Luca)

- A peaceful heart is the life of the whole body, envy is the caries of the bones.

- So you too, outwardly appear righteous to people; but inside you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. (Matteo)

- Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

Bible phrases

- We cannot discover the Almighty. He is great in strength, in equity, in perfect justice; he does not oppress anyone. (Job)

- It is the devil who pretends to be a servant, to become master.

- Because the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (John)

- Be humble as doves and prudent as snakes.

- Guide me in your truth and teach me, because you are the God of my salvation, in you I have always hoped. (Psalm 25)

- The Lord will reward him according to his works.

- Truth is the principle of your word, every sentence of your justice remains forever. (Psalm 119)

- A silent woman, it is a gift from God!

- Jesus said to him: I am the way, the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the Father except through me. (John)

- A faithful friend is a balm in life.

- Do not be easy to be irritated in your spirit, because anger dwells in the bosom of fools. (Preacher)

- There is nothing hidden that should not be revealed. Nor secret thing that does not come to light.

- Do not be intrusive not to be rejected, but do not go too far not to be forgotten. (Sirach)

- Lazy, observe the ant, consider its habits, and repent!

- Do not hurry to seek death with the mistakes of your life, do not attract ruin with the works of your hands. (Wisdom)

- You will not fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, the plague that wanders in darkness, the extermination that devastates at noon. A thousand will fall by your side, ten thousand on your right; but nothing will hit you.

- The wise man has his eyes on his forehead, but the fool walks in the dark. (Preacher)

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