Economy and finance: definition and difference


A simple definition of economics and finance, the difference between these two sciences of vital importance for the economic development of a country.

Meaning of economy and finance

The economy can be defined as the science that deals with finding the means to make the best use of limited resources to maximize the yield in terms of production, distribution and consumption of goods or services treated with conscious choices originating from a precise reasoning.

Finance deals with analyzing the processes through which individuals, organizations of various kinds and businesses manage monetary flows over time, studying the best ways of using money and evaluating alternative uses to maximize its return.

Economists, through the media, can manage to create or destroy a certain type of market or need of individuals, even make a certain type of government acceptable and indispensable, rather than provide for its delegitimization, for purposes often unrelated to real public utility. .

For this reason, finance is often influenced by messages that are officially passed on by presumed experts who, on the contrary, are not able to reflect the real economic situation of a country, but provide only their own interests and those of the powers to to which they are often tied with a double thread.

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Money and Finance: Crash Course Economics #11 (March 2024)

Tags: Meanings