Fast and cheap egg and mayonnaise sandwiches


How to prepare quick and inexpensive sandwiches with eggs and mayonnaise, recipe to be made using stale one-day loaf and soft butter, including a bunch of fresh watercress.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 12 slices of stale one-day loaf

- 5 tablespoons of ready-made mayonnaise

- 3 boiled eggs

- 50 g softened butter at room temperature

- 1 bunch of fresh watercress

- salt and pepper

Preparation of egg and mayonnaise sandwiches

With the cutter cut twelve discs from the slices of bread and pass them on the grill in the hot oven, making them lightly toast on each side.

Remove them from the oven and wait for them to cool.

Shell the hard-boiled eggs and sift the yolks only, collecting the mixture in a bowl.

Season with a pinch of salt and pepper.

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Spread on the slices of toast first a thin layer of butter, then one of mayonnaise, then sprinkle with a full quantity of yolks passed through a sieve.

Remove the watercress leaves, wash them, dry them, finely chop them and distribute them on the surface of the sandwiches, to be placed at the end on a tray to serve on the table.

Egg Mayo Sandwich | Egg Salad Sandwich | Easy & Quick Mayo Sandwich | Sandwich Recipe (April 2024)

Tags: appetizers