Fata Morgana: between phenomenon in physics and legend


Meaning of fata morgana in physics as an optical effect of light and history of fata morgana, legendary myth of the Arthurian cycle.

Phenomenon of the Fata Morgana

Definition of fata morgana in optics: optical illusion, similar to the mirage, which occurs mostly on the surface of the sea near the coast.

In the presence of the phenomenon of fata morgana, objects appear suspended in the air, with continuously changing dimensions and shapes.

The physical explanation of the fata morgana lies in the variation in density which entails a change in the refractive index of the air near the ground caused by high variations in temperature contrast.

The Fata Morgana is an elaborate form of mirage, which can only be viewed within a narrow band above the horizon.

The name originates from the history of the Fata Morgana coming from a Celtic legend, a character with magical powers that induced in the sailors the visions of fantastic castles in the air or on the ground to distract them and attract them to death.

The phenomenon of the fata morgana, which can be seen both on land and at sea in different places in the world, makes objects distorted and therefore not recognizable to the point that the sensation is that of a rapid evolution and change of the subjects of the mirage that they compress and stretch quickly.

The Fata Morgana effect of light has inspired poets from all over the world who in the past gave imaginative explanations of the phenomenon, some commentators believe that it was also the cause of illusions for some people to have spotted unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.

Physical Fata Morgana is a rare phenomenon observed in several areas including the Strait of Messina, the Mojave desert and the Great Lakes region of the United States, off the island of Victoria in Canada, the Strait of Gibraltar, Ireland and Norway.

Legend of the Fata Morgana

The story of the fairy Morgana, tells of a famous character having a witch role coming from Celtic mythology and the legends that are inspired by it.

In the Arthurian cycle, in which the figure of King Arthur stands out, Morgana, a supernatural creature, is one of the main rivals of the magician Merlin, King Arthur and Geneva.

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Female character, she is stepsister of Arthur, daughter of the first husband of Lady Igraine, Arthur's mother.

Being a Celtic woman, Morgana inherited some of her magical powers from her mother.

Fata morgána (March 2024)

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