When did the earth form? Dimensions and internal structure


When the earth originated, an explanation of why it is round, what external dimensions and how its interior is made, total extension of the emerged lands.

The origins of the earth

The Earth originated about 4600 billion years ago, formed by the same cloud of gas and dust which, condensing, formed the Sun and all the other planets.

Various types of fragments joined in the cloud and formed a rocky globe, the rock of which, initially hot and liquid, subsequently cooled and hardened.

Earth is the third planet in order of distance from the Sun and the largest of the terrestrial planets in the solar system.

How come the Earth is round?

The Earth is round for the same reason that even a raindrop and a bubble are round.

A liquid naturally takes the shape of a sphere when it falls through the air, in the same way as a drop of rain.

By the time the Earth was formed, it was hot and liquid, it became round because it floated in space and, when the liquid rock cooled and hardened to become solid rock, the terrestrial planet retained the acquired roundness.

How big is the Earth?

The circumference of the Earth at the equator measures 40,076 km, while the diameter at the equator is 12,757 km.

The Earth is estimated to weigh nearly 6,000 million tons.

How is the inside of the Earth made?

The Earth can be considered as a huge rocky globe, consisting of several layers, of which the first layer is the crust of the Earth, which is only 6 kilometers thick under the oceans.

The second layer, very thick, is made of rock and is called a mantle, covering about half the thickness of the globe.

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Going down deep, the temperature rises a lot and, when you get below the mantle, there is a layer of hot and liquid rock, called the outer core.

Finally, we reach the center of the Earth, corresponding to the inner core, which is a huge hot ball of solid rock located 5000 km below the earth's surface, it is calculated that here the temperature reaches 4500 ° C.

How extensive are the emerged lands?

The emerged lands cover almost 150 million square kilometers of the earth's surface, corresponding to just 29% of the Earth's surface, while the remaining 71% is covered by seas and oceans.

Structure Of The Earth | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids (May 2024)

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