February 19: saint of the day, name day


The saint of the day February 19 is Blessed Corrado Confalonieri from Piacenza, which name day is celebrated and other saints are celebrated on this date.

Blessed Corrado Confalonieri

Corrado Confalonieri was born in 1290 in Piacenza and followed his military career as a young man.

In the course of a hunting trip, with the aim of capturing a greater quantity of game, he gave orders to set bushes and plants on fire, but due to an unexpected effect, the fire caused took on such proportions as to destroy entire crops and houses located nearby. .

Then Corrado and his companions fled and the governor's guards found nothing better than arresting a guy who had nothing to do with what had happened but, believing him guilty, was sentenced to death.

Corrado, taken by remorse, went to set up, telling the truth and declaring himself ready to compensate the serious damage caused.

For this reason, he lost all his possessions and found himself poor and, in 1315, while his wife Eufrosina became a nun entering the Clarisse monastery of Piacenza, he decided to become a Franciscan tertiary in Calendasco.

Later, however, feeling in himself a strong desire for solitude, he embarked for the Holy Land, the place where he remained for a few years.

On his return he stopped first in Malta then in Sicily, precisely in Noto, where he lived first in the cells of the church of the Crucifix then, disturbed by the recurring visits of people who came to ask for his opinion and by the violence of some attackers who beat him to blood, however, receiving a generous forgiveness, retired to the Pizzoni cave, to which the people later gave his name.

Corrado will never abandon that cave, except for a few times when he went to visit his dear friend Guglielmo Buccheri, a Franciscan hermit who had recently moved to Scicli.

On February 17, 1351 he declared to his confessor that after two days he would need him, as he knew that he would die on that day.

He was found dead on his knees on February 19.

Recommended readings
  • February 16: saint of the day, name day
  • February 17: saint of the day, name day
  • February 21: saint of the day, name day
  • February 2: saint of the day, name day
  • February 10: saint of the day, name day

In the twentieth century, an institute dedicated to the orphans of the Opera di Don Orione was built around his cave.

Its remains were spared from the 1693 earthquake and buried in the church of San Nicolò, elected cathedral of the new diocese of Noto, of which Corrado Confalonieri is the main patron.

Other saints and celebrations on February 19

  • Blessed Alvaro De Zamora from Cordova
  • Dominican

  • San Barbato di Benevento
  • Bishop

  • Blessed Elizabeth of Mantua (Bartolomea Picenardi)
  • Virgin

  • St. George
  • Monk of Vabres, Bishop of Lodeve

  • Blessed Joseph (Jozef) Zaplata
  • Religious and martyr

  • San Mansueto of Milan
  • Bishop

  • Holy Martyrs of Palestine
  • Saint Quodvultdeus
  • Bishop of Carthage

    St. John Bosco's Feast Day Celebration (April 2024)

Tags: February