Mantuan noodles cake


How to make the tagliatelle cake with valance, recipe with eggs and Roman ricotta among the necessary ingredients, guide to the preparation with detailed procedure, from boiling the tagliatelle to cooking the pie obtained in the pan.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 300 g of egg noodles

- 3 beaten eggs

- 100 gr Roman ricotta

- 3 tablespoons of oil

- 80 gr butter

- 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley

- 1 pinch of ground cinnamon

- salt

Preparation of the tagliatelle cake with valance

Boil the tagliatelle in salted water until you reach the classic "al dente" cooking point.

Drain them carefully, then pour them into a bowl and season with two thirds of the butter.

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Pass the ricotta through a sieve, add it to the noodles and, after mixing well, add beaten eggs, salt, cinnamon and parsley, finally mix everything again very carefully.

Melt the rest of the butter in the pan, add the oil and pour the mixture of noodles, browning.

Turn the tagliatelle cake over with a lid and cook it on the other side, in order to obtain a high thickness and a certain consistency.

This hearty single dish can be served both hot and cold, depending on your taste.

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Tags: Unique dishes