Namaste: what it means, meaning of the Indian word


Definition of Namaste, what this term originally from India means but widely used in Asia and Australia, when it is used and accompanying gestures.

What does Namaste mean

This is a form of greeting originally born in the territory of India and Nepal, which later spread to many other Asian and Australian territories.

It is used to greet when meeting someone and when leaving.

It is customary to join hands while pronouncing the word, with the overlapping of the palms and keeping the fingers facing upwards at the height of the chest.

There is also a slight bow with the head.

It must be said that in Indian culture this gesture is a mudra, or a symbolic gesture that is also used in yoga and in the position of prayer.

The word namaste, which taken literally means "I bow to you", derives from the Sanskrit "namas", which means to bow in the sense of saluting with reverence.

A spiritual value is also implicit, meaning that by using the word namaste you also want to greet the divine qualities of the person you are addressing.

Since Namaste is a Hindi word, it is used in all regions where Indian is spoken, including dialectal forms.

Currently the word namaste is well known even in the West where it has become a typical greeting in groups that value Eastern philosophies and religions.

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