Pasta with artichokes and gravy: macaroni


How to make pasta with artichokes and sauce, recipe with macaroni to prepare in 30 minutes, including tomatoes and vegetable broth among the necessary ingredients.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 400 g of macaroni

- 12 small artichokes

- 2 tablespoons lemon juice

- 600 g diced peeled tomatoes

- 3 onions

- 1 clove of garlic

- 2 carrots

- 2 celery stalks

- 2 tablespoons of olive oil

- 125 ml of vegetable broth

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- salt

- pepper

- thyme for garnishing

Time of realization

About 30 minutes


1) Start by removing the stalks of the artichokes, removing the small and hard leaves from them, finally cutting the tips of the outermost leaves using a pair of sharp scissors.

2) Proceed with cutting the tips also to the artichokes and remove the beard, then dip them in cold water with 1 tablespoon of lemon.

3) Then transfer the artichokes to a large pot, adding water, the remaining lemon juice and salt, then cook them for about 15 minutes with the lid.

4) At the end, divide each artichoke into four parts.

5) Clean the onions, garlic and carrots before cutting them into cubes.

6) Clean the celery and, after washing and drying it, chop it.

7) After heating a little oil in a pan, brown the onion, garlic, carrot and celery in it, taking care to mix for about 4 minutes.

8) Add tomatoes and vegetable broth, adjusting salt and pepper, then cook for 10 minutes with a lid.

9) Cook macaroni in salted water, then drain and pass them under cold water, not forgetting to drain them.

10) After seasoning the pasta with artichokes and gravy, serve on the table decorating with thyme.

Penne Pasta With Artichokes & Cottage Cheese : Easy Pasta Salads (April 2024)

Tags: First classics