Phrases by Jim Morrison: quotes, famous aphorisms


Phrases by Jim Morrison, selection of famous quotes and aphorisms related to this singer-songwriter and poet from the States, member of the musical complex The Doors.

Aphorisms Jim Morrison

- Refusing to love for fear of suffering is like refusing to live for fear of dying.

- Do not betray those who smile at you: they could have death in their hearts and still give you some life.

- Those who renounce their dreams are destined to die.

- Some say that the rain is bad, but they don't know that it allows you to turn your head high with your face covered in tears.

- If you reject your body, it becomes your own prison.

- Happiness is made of nothing which at the moment in which we live it seems to us everything.

- When my body is ash, my name will be legend.

- I wish I was born backwards to understand this crooked world.

- Life is like a mirror: it smiles at you if you look at it smiling.

- When I'm gone, don't look for me behind the cold marble of a grave, look for me among the roses ... When I'm gone, look for me in the photographs, look for me among my books, among my poems, my songs, among my music . Look for me among all the things I love most, because only in these things ... will you find my soul.

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- Each of us has a pair of wings, but only those who dream learn to fly.

- Do not look for the impossible in this world of madmen, there is no place where you can take refuge, but if you find someone you love hold on to it because it reminds you: you are born and you die alone ... everything else is nothing.

- If you love something, let it go, only if it comes back will it be truly yours.

- You are born, you live, you die. And everyone spends every moment of his life wondering why. But the beauty of life is to live it all moment by moment.

- Smile even if your smile is sad, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.

- I will not grow old: I am like a shooting star.

- Live life as you can, because as you want you can't.

- Loneliness is listening to the wind and not being able to tell anyone.

- This is what true love consists of: letting a person be what he really is. Most people love you for what they claim you are.

- The soul of a person is hidden in a gaze, so we are afraid of making ourselves look into the eyes.

- I think of myself as an intelligent and sensitive human being, but with the soul of a clown, who forces me to destroy everything at the most important moment.

- I would like to be a tear to be born from your eyes, live on your face and die on your mouth.

- I will stop loving you only when a deaf painter will be able to paint the sound of a rose petal falling on a crystal floor of a castle that never existed.

- Drinking is a way of making life bearable in an overcrowded situation, and it is also a consequence of boredom. People drink because they get bored. I love to drink. Sometimes it stimulates conversation, people melt away. It's a bit like gambling: you leave the house to spend the evening drinking and you don't know where you will find yourself the next day. It could be fine or end in disaster. It's like throwing dice.

- I was born crying while everyone was laughing and I will die laughing when everyone is crying.

- A specter proceeds, a shadow follows us, and at each stop we fall.

- Baby ask me what love is? Grow up and you will know. Baby ask me what happiness is? Stay baby and you will see it.

- You have to face your life that is crawling on you like a hypnotic enveloping snake.

- Never say that dreams are useless because the life of someone who cannot dream is useless.

- Your politics, your religion, your philosophy are not what you smoke, what you drink or how you dress, nor how you wear your hair or what actions you have done. Your religion or your politics are what you spend most of your time on.

Quotes Jim Morrison

- Sometimes a moment is enough to forget a life, but sometimes a life is not enough to forget a moment.

- I deplore the fact that many people live a quiet, banal and respectable life when there are so many injustices. I think it's sad.It is as if people are destined by some superior form of life, from birth to death, to lead a preordained and programmed existence. It's a tragedy.

- I didn't want to be born (and I was born), I didn't want to live (and I'm living), but when I die I will go to heaven (because I'm already living hell).

- If you are sad and would like to die think about who is sad because he would like to live and instead knows he must die.

- Don't cry for me as I leave, but think that if it rains tomorrow I went to look for the Sun.

- Every day is taking a tour of history.

- I will never be anyone, but nobody will ever be like me.

- Do not live with the fear of dying, but die with the joy of having lived.

- In life there will always be a bastard who will make you suffer, but he will be the only person you will truly love.

- If they tell you that love is a dream, go ahead but don't be surprised if you wake up crying.

- I like people who shake other people and make them feel uncomfortable.

- Don't cry for those who don't deserve your smile.

- People believe they are free, but they are only free to believe it.

- Always be like the sea that breaking against the rocks, always finds the strength to try again.

- If you wake up one morning and don't see the sun, or you're dead, or you're the sun.

- I love teenagers because everything they do they do it for the first time.

- If you take drugs I understand you, because the world sucks you; if you don't, I admire you, because you are able to fight it.

- If death is awakening, life is a dream.

- To kill is the courage of the moment, to live is always the courage.

- They say love is life, I am dying out of love.

- I'm starting to think it's easier to scare people than to make them laugh.

- Those who love for fun will regret it when they are loved for fun.

- Pain is the element that can still awaken us. People try to hide their suffering, but it's a serious mistake. Pain is something to carry around, like a radio.

- True happiness is not at the bottom of a glass, it is not inside a syringe: you find it only in the heart of those who love you.

- Before sinking into great sleep I want to hear the scream of the butterfly.

- Being happy does not necessarily mean being happy, sometimes you want to laugh and joke so as not to feel that you want to cry inside.

- Buying drugs is like buying a ticket to a fantasy world, but the price of this ticket is life.

- Only the one who was put on the cross had the honor of wearing long hair without being called a drug addict.

- If people who speak badly of me, know what I say about them, they would speak worse.

- The sea is a vagina that can be penetrated at any point.

- I want to go back to being a boy because my hulled knees hurt less than broken hearts.

Jim Morrison phrases

- The night is a cesspool where I dip ink for my poems.

- Money always defeats the soul.

- My best friend is the mirror, when I cry he never laughs.

- We young people are too violent, maybe a little crazy, but the only thing that differentiates us from others: is that they reason with the brain, we crazy people think with the heart.

- Poetry attracts me because it is eternal. As long as there are people, there will be someone who can remember words and word combinations. Poems and songs may be the only things that can survive a holocaust.

- Sometimes the winner is simply a dreamer who never gave up.

- Some are born for sweet joy, others for endless night.

- Don't be afraid of death ... It hurts less than life!

- The morning caught us blissfully unconscious. Noon has lit our hair with gold. At night we swam in the laughing sea. Where will we be when summer is over?

- If you were a tear I wouldn't cry for fear of losing you.

- Those who speak and speak do so only to hide better.

- Never speak of love and peace: a Man tried and they crucified him.

- You will only regret not being your lover.

- Why is it scandalous to make love at 16 if you can die at all ages?

- I'd give all my days for a single yesterday.

- True poetry says nothing, only lists possibilities. Opens all doors. And you can go through the one you prefer.

- If you want to kill a man, deprive him of his most beautiful dream.

- Someday even war will bow to the sound of a guitar.

- Do not believe those who say 'I love you', but those who look you in the eye and keep silent.

- Today is the tomorrow you were so afraid of!

- People are terrified of the idea of ​​being freed. Clings to their chains. He opposes anyone who tries to destroy those chains. It is his security.

- There is no night so long as not to allow the Sun to rise again the next day.

- Women are better than men. They have right ideas. They seem more suited to accepting life and living it in a simpler way.

- One day I met a blind child ... he asked me to describe the sea to him, I observed it and described it to him, then he asked me to describe the world to him ... I cried and invented it ...

- Free love or get rid of it forever!

- I need to stand out from the crowd. I don't feel like I am in the middle of the majority.

- Do not regret what you did if you were happy when you did it.

- I consider myself an intelligent and sensitive human being with the soul of a clown.

- Dreams are like stars, just look up and they are always there.

- Sex can be liberating but it can also prove to be a trap. It depends on how much a person listens to their body, to their sensations. Most people are too busy hiding their feelings to perceive them.

- Flowers also cry, and there are fools who think it's dew.

- I live to dominate life, not to be a slave.

- Never give up, because when you think it's all over, it's the moment when it all starts.

- I've always been drawn to the ideas of rebellion against authority. When you reconcile yourself with authority, you become an authority yourself.

Jim Morrison Sayings and Quotes | Positive Thinking and Wise Quotes Platter| Motivation (August 2024)

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