Phrases on loneliness: aphorisms, quotes


Collection of phrases and aphorisms about loneliness, famous quotes and poems about the inner enrichment that can derive from being in this mood in a more or less conscious way.

Quotes about loneliness

- I have never found a companion who kept me as good company as solitude.

- Loneliness is not the absence of a companion or a companion, but the moment when our soul can speak to us freely and help us make decisions about our lives. (Paulo Coelho)

- We are alone in suffering. This is a depressing fact if we are the person who suffers; but this fact makes happiness to the rest of the world possible. (Aldous Huxley)

- People are afraid of being alone, so they are wrong.

- What I'm afraid of is not death, but loneliness. (August Strindberg)

- In loneliness the miserable feels all his misery and the great spirit all his greatness, each in short feels that he is what he is.

- One can feel alone, even when he is loved by many people. (Anne Frank)

- Loneliness means serious thoughts, full of content, it means contemplation, calm, wisdom. (Michail Bulgakov)

- Loneliness is not living alone, loneliness is not being able to keep someone or something inside us, loneliness is not a tree in the middle of a plain where there is only him, it is the distance between the deep sap and the bark, between the leaf and the root.

- I sought solitude because I never got kindness from a human being without paying the full price with my heart. (Khalil Gibran)

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- There are no two similar moments of solitude, because one is never alone in the same way. (Henri Bosco)

- True great spirits build, like eagles, their nests at great heights, in solitude.

- If you feel alone when you are alone, you are in bad company. (Jean-Paul Sartre)

- If you want to live in innocence, seek solitude. (Publilio Siro)

- Loneliness does not mean that life no longer makes sense, but that old life no longer makes sense. It is a signal sent by the soul to make us search for a new path.

- Loneliness scares a soul of twenty years. (Molière)

- Solitude offers two advantages to the man of great intellectual gifts: first of all that of being with himself, and secondly, that of not being with others.

- Loneliness is like a pleasant meal, as long as it is not consumed every day. (Simon Carmiggelt)

Loneliness is independence: I had desired it and I had won it over many years. It was cold, yes, but it was also silent, wonderfully silent and as big as the cold and silent space in which the stars turn.

- Loneliness is for me a source of healing that makes my life worth living. Speaking is often a torment for me and I need many days of silence to recover from the futility of words. (Carl Gustav Jung)

- What makes men sociable is their inability to endure loneliness and, in this, themselves.

- Without great loneliness no serious work is possible. (Pablo Picasso)

- Paradoxically, the ability to be alone is the first condition for the ability to love.

- The more powerful and original a mind is, the more inclined it will be to the religion of solitude. (Aldous Huxley)

- Whoever does not love solitude, does not even love freedom, since only when one is alone is one free.

- I love people. I love my family, my children. But within me there is a place where I live all alone, it is there that I regenerate the sources that never run out. (Pearl Buck)

- Each one is entrusted with the task of watching over the loneliness of the other.

- Loneliness gives birth to the original that is in us. (Thomas Mann)

- Those who feel condemned to solitude can always do something to make their solitude rich.

- Solitude is independence: I had desired it and I had won it over many years. It was cold, yes, but it was also silent, wonderfully silent and as big as the cold and silent space in which the stars turn. (Hermann Hesse)

- The most devastating loneliness is not felt when we are alone ... But when we are with other people. People who look at us, but without seeing us. Who hear us, but without listening to us. Or worse, they judge us, but without knowing us.

- A man must maintain a small recess where he can be himself without reservations. Only in solitude can he know true freedom. (Michel de Montaigne)

- No ghost assails us in more varied disguises than those with which solitude is disguised, and one of its most impenetrable masks is love.

- The happiest of all lives is a crowded loneliness. (Voltaire)

- I did not seek solitude for religious reasons, but only to avoid people and their laws, their teachings and their traditions. Their ideas, their noise and their complaints. I have sought solitude not to see the faces of men who sell and buy things at the same price that are spiritually and materially inferior to them. (Khalil Gibran)

Aphorisms on loneliness

- Sitting alone at night and offering the moon to tell you about our pains; sleep alone at night and invoke crickets to confide our regrets. (Chang Ch’ao)

- Loneliness is listening to the wind and not being able to tell anyone.

- Loneliness is listening to the wind and not being able to tell anyone. (Jim Morrison)

- When you are alone, even if you do nothing, you do not have the impression of wasting time. In company, however, it is almost always spoiled. (E.M. Cioran)

- I have never found a companion who kept me as good company as solitude. We are more alone when we go out among men than when we stay in our room. (Henry David Thoreau)

- Loneliness is for the spirit what food is for the body. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

- Only one thing is needed: solitude, great inner solitude. Turn your gaze inward and for hours don't meet anyone; this must be able to achieve.

- I like chatting alone. It saves me time and avoids discussions. (Oscar Wilde)

- I was the guy who lives on solitude; without loneliness I was like another man without food or water. Each day spent without loneliness weakened me. (Charles Bukowski)

- In loneliness the miserable feels all his misery and the great spirit all his greatness, each in short feels that he is what he is.
(Arthur Schopenhauer)

- Loneliness can be a terrible sentence or a wonderful conquest.

- Whoever does not love solitude, does not even love freedom, since only when one is alone is one free. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- Loneliness is the drama of life for many; and yet the happiest people I knew, they were loners. (Jacques Chardonne)

- A good marriage is one in which each of the two names the other custodian of his solitude. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

- Where solitude ends, the market begins; and where the market begins, there also begins the noise of the great comedians and the hum of poisonous flies.

- Only one thing is needed: solitude, great inner solitude. Turn your gaze inward and for hours don't meet anyone; this must be able to achieve. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

- When you avoid finding yourself alone at all costs, you give up the opportunity to experience loneliness: that sublime state in which you can collect your ideas, meditate, reflect, create and, ultimately, give meaning and substance to communication . (Zygmunt Bauman)

- You resist being alone until someone suffers from not having you with you, while true solitude is an intolerable cell. (Cesare Pavese)

- It is above all in solitude that one feels the advantage of living with someone who can think.

- Little by little I begin to see clearly about the most universal defect of our kind of formation and education: nobody learns, nobody tends, nobody teaches to bear loneliness. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- I thought the worst thing in life was to be alone. No it is not. Instead, I found that the worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel truly alone. (Robin Williams)

- In solitude the solitary devours himself, in the multitude the many devour him. Now choose. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- Little by little I begin to see clearly about the most universal defect of our kind of formation and education: nobody learns, nobody tends, nobody teaches to bear loneliness.

- There is no boy, not perhaps a man, who has not dreamed of being a Robinson, and, if not living alone in a desert island, at least to remake himself, starting from the source, his food and own clothes. (Maxence Van der Meersch)

- God created man, and not finding him sufficiently alone, gave him a companion to make him feel loneliness more. (Paul Valéry)

- The worst loneliness is not being comfortable with yourself. (Mark Twain)

- Loneliness is not advisable for everyone, because you have to be strong to endure it and to act alone.

- The terrifying thing about TV is that you watch it alone. And the more you look at it the more loneliness increases. And loneliness is the great problem of contemporaneity.
(Sidney Lumet)

- I don't know what the right proportion would be, but I've always had a sort of intuition, that for every hour spent in the company of another human being, you need an indefinite number of hours alone. (Glenn Gould)

- A little while ago I had the feeling that every minute we are alone we miss something that will never recover. (Peter Hanke)

- Loneliness, the real one, consciously chosen, is not a punishment, nor a morbid and resentful form of isolation, nor a quirky habit, but the only truly worthy state of a human being.

- Solitude matures originality, strange and disturbing beauty, poetry. but it also generates the opposite, the disproportionate, the absurd and the illegal. (Thomas Mann)

- Loneliness shows us what we should be; society shows us what we are. (Robert Cecil)

- The worst loneliness is being without a sincere friendship. (Sir Francis Bacon)

- Loneliness is a source of happiness and tranquility of the soul.

Phrases about loneliness

- When we can't stand being alone, it means that we don't appreciate properly the only companion we have from birth to death - ourselves. (Eda LeShan)

- The whole problem of life is this: how to break one's loneliness, how to communicate with others. (Cesare Pavese)

- Loneliness is the home of the strong. (Reine Malouin)

- To condemn a man to solitude are not his enemies but his friends.

- To condemn a man to solitude are not his enemies but his friends. (Milan Kundera)

- We are solitary animals. We spend our lives trying to be less alone. One of the oldest methods is to tell a story by praying to the listener to say and hear. Yes, that's right, or at least that's how I feel. You are not as alone as you thought. (John Steinbeck)

- For some people loneliness is an escape, not from others, but from themselves. Because they see in others' eyes only a reflection of themselves. (Eric Hoffer)

- Loneliness is for the spirit what food is for the body.

- Loneliness creates people of genius or idiots. (Victor Hugo)

- Space has its solitude, sea solitude and death solitude, yet all of these are crowds compared to that deeper point, polar secrecy, which is a soul in front of itself: finite infinity. (Emily Dickinson)

- The great elevations of the soul are not possible except in solitude and silence. (Arturo Graf)

- We are always, tragically alone, as the foam of the waves that deludes itself into being the bride of the sea and instead is nothing but a concubine. (Charles Pierre Baudelaire)

- The two greatest gifts that Heaven can do to a soul: silence and solitude.

- Loneliness is our raw material: trying to mask it with love is like trying to cure acne by rubbing the skin with a sandpaper. (Fernando Savater)

- Loneliness is like a magnifying glass: if you are alone and you are well, you are very well, if you are alone and you are ill, you are very ill. (Giacomo Leopardi)

- This horror of solitude, this need to forget one's self in the external flesh, man calls it nobly the need to love. (Charles Baudelaire)

- The terrifying thing about TV is that you watch it alone. And the more you look at it the more loneliness increases. And loneliness is the great problem of contemporaneity.

- In solitude a man can acquire anything, but not a character. (Stendhal)

- With all the people who live on this planet, and if each of us looks for something in the other, why do we have to be so alone in the end? For what? Maybe the planet continues to rotate feeding on the loneliness of people? (Haruki Murakami)

- Loneliness is beautiful, but we need someone to say that loneliness is beautiful. (Honoré de Balzac)

- The great elevations of the soul are not possible except in solitude and silence.

- The solitude sought is a balm, the solitude suffered an attack. (Robert Sabatier)

- I don't know what's worse: don't know who you are and be happy, or become what you've always wanted to be, and feel alone. (Daniel Keyes)

- The only way to safeguard your loneliness is to hurt everyone, starting with the ones we love. (E.M. Cioran)

- Loneliness is the fate of all good spirits. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- At my age I made the call to loneliness. A loneliness, however, very relative, because the work manages to completely fill my existence.

- Sometimes I have the feeling of being alone in the world. Other times I'm sure. (Charles Bukowski)

- Loneliness has soft silky hands, but with strong fingers it grabs the heart and makes it suffer. Loneliness is an ally of pain as well as a company of spiritual exaltation. (Khalil Gibran)

- When they are alone they want to be with others, and when they are with others they want to be alone. After all, humans are like that. (Getrude Stein)

- True happiness is impossible without loneliness. Probably the fallen angel betrayed God because he desired solitude, which angels do not know.
(Anton Čechov)

- Loneliness means serious thoughts, full of content, it means contemplation, calm, wisdom.

Sometimes she wondered if the years of solitude had left her with an innate desire to socialize. (Anne Tyler)

- They run as if they had fire under their ass looking for something that is not found. It is basically the fear of facing yourself, it is basically the fear of being alone. Instead, the crowd frightens me. (Charles Bukowski)

When You Feel Lonely Remember These 12 Quotes | Being Alone Saying and Quotes (April 2024)

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