Phrases that make you think: they affect the heart


Beautiful phrases that make you think, to hit the heart and make you feel excited, to say or write to leave a mark on the person they turn to, useful for making you think.

Phrases that excite

- Life is like a mirror, it smiles at you if you smile.

- You should never have so much to do that you don't have time for reflection. (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

- Love and respect your life more than anything else in the world: once lost, no longer fix it.

- It is late to seek reflection when you are in the midst of dangers. (Publilio Siro)

- There is no bad enough person who deserves to know their future.

- Nobody can reflect for an hour and then feel happy. (Jan Leyers)

- Listening can strengthen a friendship, but above all it helps you to be present, not to miss the things that matter.

- Those who reflect too much may be complacent for a little. (Friedrich Schiller)

- All men were created by the same Great Spirit. They are all brothers.

- Anyone who has reached the stage of not being surprised at anything simply demonstrates that he has lost the art of reasoning and reflection. (Max Planck)

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- It is funny how one person can upset another person so deeply, often without even realizing it.

- It is impossible to reflect on the fact that one must die without thinking at the same time that living is a wonderfully strange thing. (Jostein Gaarder)

- Peace is not only the opposite of war, it is not only the space between two wars ... peace is more. It is the law of life. It is when we act in the right way and when justice reigns between every single being.

- When I reflect on myself and my intellectual methods, it almost seems to me that the gift of fantasy has served me more than the ability to seize absolute knowledge. (Albert Einstein)

- It is already a happiness to be able to love, even when you are alone in loving.

- Ignorance produces boldness, delayed reflection. (Pericles)

- A true friend is not recognized by the happiness you feel when you are with him, but by the emptiness he leaves when he leaves.

- There is a reverie when ideas roam the mind without any reflection or without consideration of the intellect. (John Locke)

- True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it but few have seen it.

- He cannot reflect on life's problems because he is too busy living. (Jack London)

- It is while calculating, while analyzing the pros and cons, that life passes and nothing happens. (Marc Levy)

- Any human being who begins to reflect is a pessimistic potential. (Georges Minois)

- The poorer we are internally, the more we try to enrich ourselves externally.

- Many books do not require reflecting on the reader, and for a very simple reason: they did not make such a request to those who wrote them. (Charles Caleb Colton)

Phrases that affect the heart

- For a champion, starting to think about the technique in the middle of a race is a sure recipe for losing. (Daniel Goleman)

- A life that does not reflect and does not examine itself is not worth living. (Fernando Savater)

- Books, teachers, parents, the society around us, everyone tells us what to think, but not how to think.

- A man was casting lots of decisions. It did not hurt him more than those who reflect. (Paul Valéry)

- Ethics is the practice of reflecting on what we decide to do and the reasons why we decide to do it. (Fernando Savater)

- Reading without thinking is like eating without digesting. (Edmund Burke)

- In life you can lose hope, faith, pride, family, dignity, money ... but one thing you can never lose are real friends.

- The satisfaction that beauty gives depends on the reflection on an object. (Immanuel Kant)

- Everything is subject to reflection because everything is subject. (Loic Corbery)

- Deep reflection, if expressed, easily falls into the commonplace. (Marguerite Yourcenar)

- Always be able to feel deep down any injustice committed against anyone, anywhere in the world.

- Before doing something, think carefully and after thinking, act immediately. (Sallust)

- Television is pure terrorism. The word disappears, and with the word every possibility of reflection. (Hans Magnus Enzensberger)

- Let us be content to reflect, do not try to convince. (Georges Braque)

- How nice it is to lull yourself in the illusion of a moment rather than abandoning yourself to the harshness of life.

- Reflective words always lead to brighter results. (Euripides)

- One of the main causes of all the problems in today's world is that people talk too much and think too little. It acts impulsively without thinking. I always try to think before I speak. (Margaret Chase Smith)

- Reflect on your present joys, of which every man is full - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. (Charles Dickens)

- Every moment is good to show someone how much we love them, just don't wait too long or sooner or later the moment will come when we will no longer have the chance to do it.

- Learning and not meditating is in vain. Reflecting without study is dangerous. (Confucius)

- Oh! a God is man when he dreams, a beggar when he reflects. (Friedrich Holderlin)

- Reflecting is considerably laborious; that's why many people prefer to judge. (José Ortega Y Gasset)

- Some people believe in God, some don't, but we still have to think and think about how small we are compared to the forces of nature.

- Think before you think. (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec)

Phrases that make you think

- Man is a god when he dreams, a beggar when he reflects. (Friedrich Engels)

- Calm and peaceful reflection unravels all the knots. (Harold Macmillan)

- It doesn't matter how many breaths we take in an instant, but how many moments take our breath away!

- The pale images suggested by the reflection rarely have the strength to bring man to action. (Charles Maurras)

- To live is to experiment, not to remain motionless to meditate on the meaning of life. (Paulo Coelho)

- Reflecting authentically means giving oneself to oneself, not as an idle and hidden subjectivity, but as what is identified with my presence in the world and to others as I realize it now. (Maurice Merleau Ponty)

- Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you try to grab it, the more it will escape you. If you dedicate yourself to other things, she will gently rest on your shoulder.

- Philosophy is a great word, for what the simple man calls reflecting. (Margreet Schouwenaars)

- A calm, or rather the calmest reflection, is preferable to desperate decisions. (Franz Kafka)

- When you do something without thinking, you are not choosing. (Mark Steven Johnson)

- If you make a wish it is because you see a star fall and because you are looking at the sky; if you look at the sky it is because you still believe in something.

- Playing the same character for a long time leads you to reflect a lot. (Frances Conroy)

- Loneliness is not the absence of a companion or a companion, but the moment when our soul can speak to us freely and help us make decisions about our lives. (Paulo Coelho)

- If you want to philosophize, nobody can think about your place. If you want to start thinking, you decide to think for yourself. (André Glucksmann)

- Whoever finds a friend finds a treasure but whoever finds a treasure does not care about his friend!

- The best aphorisms are acute expressions due to observation, experience and reflection. (William R. Alger)

- No matter how busy you are, find time to reflect, think, give and plan. (Jim Rohn)

- Programming computer languages ​​allows you to reflect on the ability to think. (Nicholas Negroponte)

- Jealousy is not a lack of trust but a fear of losing someone you love.

- Think, decide and act. (Marc Levy)

- Studying without thinking is useless. Reflecting without studying is dangerous. (Confucius)

- A decision made very quickly can be just as good as a decision made with great caution and after long reflections. (Malcolm Gladwell)

- Always smile ... even if it will be a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile there is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.

- Life is an unpleasant thing, and I set out to spend my life thinking about it. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

- It is better not to reflect at all than not to reflect enough. (Tristan Bernard)

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Tags: Beautiful phrases