Steaks in cognac fillet with pan-fried mustard


How to make pan-fried cognac steaks, recipe with cognac-flavored beef fillet and mustard with worcester sauce, to be cooked in a pan.

Ingredients for 4 portions

- 1 tablespoon of mustard

- 1 teaspoon of worcester sauce

- 6 spoons of cognac

- 2 tablespoons of oil

- 500 gr. of beef steaks in the fillet, about two centimeters thick

- 40 gr. of butter

- salt

- pepper

Preparation of steaks with cognac

Heat the oil in a large diameter pan with a non-stick inner coating, where you can put the beef steaks to cook over high heat, about two minutes on each side, moving them with a wooden fork to make them brown.

Now pass the roasted meat on a plate and put the pan on the stove over moderate heat, melting half the available butter.

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Just heat the mustard and add the worcester sauce, cognac, salt and pepper, stirring constantly and cooking on a high flame until the sauce evaporates for about half.

Remove from the heat and add the remaining butter to the sauce, stirring until it melts, then pour over the meat and serve still hot.

Fillet Mignon Steak | Alex French Guy Cooking | #MyFoodMemories | AD (April 2024)

Tags: Main courses of meat