The religious meaning of Christmas


Origins and true religious meaning of Christmas as a feast of the life that is born, what this name represents in the traditions of the peoples, why it is celebrated and what are the fundamental values.

Origins of Christmas

Christmas, which celebrates the birth of the Child Jesus, divinely conceived as a son by the Virgin Mary Immaculate Conception, is celebrated on December 25 of each year.

It is a term deriving from the Latin, which literally has the meaning of Christmas, or relating to birth.

In the Roman calendar, the term Natalis indicated many holidays, including the Natalis Romae of April 21, with which the birth of Rome was commemorated, the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, dedicated to the birth of the Sun which, introduced by the emperor Aureliano in 273 AD, was gradually replaced, during the third century, by the typical recurrence of the Christian religion.

The term Christmas is frequently preceded by the adjective Most Holy, to underline, even more markedly, its importance in the life of faith in believers.

In the peoples it constitutes the most heartfelt traditional festival, as well as from the religious point of view, also from the emotional one, characterized by the opportunity to bring families together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ the Savior of the world, with the eventual exchange of gifts made from the real heart .

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