What does angiosperms and gymnosperms mean


Main differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms, groups of plants that produce seeds and not just simple reproductive cells, as they occur and types of each.

Meaning of angiosperms and gymnosperms

Gimnosperme means bare seed, that is that the cotyledons are not enclosed by the fruit, unlike the angiosperms, the protection of the seed is however ensured by accessory organs.

In gymnosperms it is possible to find two or more cotyledons.

In the Angiosperms instead, the cotyledons can be at most two, like the two halves of the peanuts, those that have only one are called monocotyledons, examples are represented by wheat, rice, barley, corn and onion.

The main feature that differentiates gymnosperms from angiosperms are the ova inserted directly in contact with the external environment, also the cotyledons, or the fleshy embryonic leaves with nourishment tasks of the embryo from germination to the development of the roots, are present in greater numbers in gymnosperms.

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Angiosperms and gymnosperms - Logos Academy (April 2024)

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