What does streaming mean: a data flow within everyone's reach


Definition of the term streaming, a very common word in the sector of communication via the Internet, what it identifies and how it works.

Meaning of streaming

With the word streaming, in the telecommunications sector, it indicates a stream of audio video data transmitted through the internet, starting from a server on the network up to reaching the end users who request it, a system widely used to create direct video via web.

The peculiarity of streaming lies in the fact that the received data, decompressed from your PC or smartphone, begin to be reproduced only after a few seconds, without having to wait for the entire file to be downloaded from the network.

The first few seconds of delay, have the function of creating a sort of data tank in memory to cope with any slowdowns or long latency times, avoiding the risk of viewing jerky video playback in the presence of a particularly slow connection .

Audio video transmissions made by means of streaming use advanced compression algorithms to avoid overloading the network by downloading too heavy files and simultaneously reaching the largest possible number of users.

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