Zucchini flan with bacon


How to cook a zucchini pie with bacon, an easy recipe to prepare, including fresh goat cheese and pine nuts among the necessary ingredients.

Ingredients for 6 people

- A ready-made roll of shortcrust pastry

- 400 g of courgettes

- 100 g of bacon

- 100 g of fresh goat cheese

- 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

- 30 g of pine nuts

- 2 spoons of parmesan

- 200 ml of milk

- 4 eggs

- 100 ml of fresh cream

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- 2 cloves of garlic

- salt and pepper

How to prepare courgette pie with bacon

Wash and cut the courgettes into small cubes, then sauté them in a pan with the oil and the garlic cloves.

Brown the courgettes until softened, then add salt and pepper.

Let them cool.

In a bowl beat the eggs with the Parmesan cheese, the milk, the cream and the finely chopped bacon, salt and pepper.

Remove the garlic cloves and whisk the courgettes, then add the goat cheese into chunks and blend again for a few moments.

Mix the egg and bacon mix well with the courgette mix.

Spread the briséè dough in a cake tin and fill it with the prepared mixture, then sprinkle the surface with the pine nuts made before toasting in a pan.

Bake at 170 ° C for about half an hour, then serve the cake on the table.

Bacon Zucchini Quiche (May 2024)

Tags: Unique dishes