
Alps: the most important mountain range in Europe

Extended for over 1200 km from east to west, the Alpine chain forms an arch that occupies an area of ​​225,000 square kilometers, affecting European states such as Austria, France, Italy, Slovenia,...

Europe: general travel information

General information on Europe, including all the things you need to know useful for a trip or a holiday in this continent, visiting the countries that compose it. Europe in short Number of...

Andorra: useful information

General tourist information about Andorra, including geographic, hydrographic and climatic characteristics, with references to the origins of the population and the main economic resources of the...

Moldova: general tourist information

General tourist information about Modavia, including geographic, climatic and ethnic characteristics of the population, with references to the natural resources and the main productive activities of...

Europe beach holidays: where to go

Ideas on where to go to spend beach holidays in Europe, list of the most popular summer tourist destinations of the moment, to choose your destination only after understanding its main features. ...
