Air France web check in: flights, offers, baggage information


The Air France airline is certainly one of the largest in the world, born in 1933 following the merger of the airlines Air Orient, Generale Aeropostale, societe generale de transport aerien, air union and internationale de navigation.

General information Air France

It is also famous for having used the Concorde, above all for Paris-New York flights, considerably shortening the journey times of the various routes thanks to the remarkable speed achieved equal to twice that of sound (about 2000 km per hour).

For a long time the state airline, in recent years Air France has been privatized to a large extent and has undergone further significant development by reducing the state share to below 20% with the consequent maximum rationalization of costs.

For Air france online web check in, flights, offers, hand baggage information, booking and contact details visit this airline's website from here

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Air France - Online check-in (April 2024)

Tags: Airline companies