Cooked polenta: how to serve it with parmesan, mushrooms, tomato


How to cook polenta cooked in a pot, a recipe that plans to be served on plates with three layers of tomato, parmesan and mushrooms, thus creating very tasty matuffi.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 2 and a half liters of water

- 2 tablespoons of olive oil

- 500 gr. of corn flour

- salt

- mushroom sauce

- tomato sauce

Preparation of cooked polenta

Put the water, salt and oil in a saucepan.

Before boiling, pour in the corn flour and mix, bring to a boil and continue cooking over moderate heat, stirring constantly, for about an hour.

When cooked, turn it over onto a wooden tray or onto a napkin dusted with corn flour.

Using a spoon, create layers on the plates, alternating a layer of polenta, one of parmesan, one of mushroom sauce and one of tomato sauce.

Gordon Ramsay's Grilled Polenta with Tomatoes and Goat's Curd (March 2024)

Tags: First classics