How to make the Garfagnana farinata, a recipe based on borlotti beans, black cabbage, tomato and lard, made spicy by the presence of red chilli.
Ingredients for 4 people
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 or 3 sage leaves
- 4 large spoons of corn flour
- 300 gr. of dried borlotti beans put in water and soaked for one night, or 600/700 gr. of fresh beans
- 1 black cabbage
- 100 gr. of lard
- 1 ripe tomato
- olive oil
- Red pepper
- salt
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Garfagnana porridge preparation
Boil the beans in plenty of water together with a clove of garlic, sage (to be removed both after cooking) and salt.
Drain and pass the beans to the passatutto and add the sauce obtained to the cooking bean broth.
Wash the black cabbage leaves, free them from the ribs, cut them into strips and add them to the broth.
Chop the lard and fry the garlic cloves, the chopped tomato and a little chilli pepper.
Add everything to the broth.
Cook for an abundant hour.
After pouring the corn flour and stirring constantly, cook for about 30 minutes.
Serve hot with a drizzle of raw olive oil.
This porridge can be heated (ribollita), passing it in a pan for a few minutes, with a little olive oil.