Grilled oysters: recipe from Livorno with lemon


How to make oysters au gratin, a simple recipe of garlic, onion and olive oil with lemon juice and pepper, to cook in a pan to put in the oven.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 24 oysters

- Garlic cloves

- Half onion

- Parsley

- Bread crumbs

- Lemon

- Olive oil

- Salt and pepper

How to cook oysters au gratin

Wash and open the oysters carefully.

Discard the top of the shell and leave the mollusk in the other.

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In a soup, prepare a sauce with a minced garlic, onion and parsley, 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, the juice of a lemon, oil, salt and pepper.

Mix well and spread a spoonful of sauce on each oyster.

Put the oysters in a pan and cook them in the oven for about ten minutes.

Tags: Fish main courses