Phrases about habit: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and phrases about habit, the kind of behavior that leads people to repeat the same actions indefinitely, very often automatically.

Quotes about habit

- All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion and desire. (Aristotle)

- Habit is second nature that prevents us from knowing the first of which it has neither the crudeness nor the charm. (Marcel Proust)

- Always choose the path that seems the best even if it seems the most difficult: habit will soon make it pleasant. (Aristotle)

- First of all forget the inspiration. Habit is more reliable. Habit will support you whether you are inspired or not. Habit will help you refine and polish your stories, inspiration will not. Habit is constancy put into practice. (Octavia Estelle Butler)

- To change a habit, make a conscious decision and then personify the new behavior. (Maxwell Maltz)

- First we create our habits, then our habits create us. (Denis Waitley)

- Sometimes we are so attached to our way of life that we refuse a great opportunity just because we don't know how to exploit it. (Paulo Coelho)

- The unfortunate thing about this world is that good habits are much easier to abandon than bad ones. (William Somerset Maugham)

- Art sweeps our soul from the dust of everyday life. (Pablo Picasso)

- Habit is the best teacher in all things. (Pliny the Elder)

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- Our happiness depends on the mental habits we cultivate. So practice happy thoughts every day. Develop the habit of happiness, and life will become a continuous party. (Norman Vincent Peale)

- A thing done too long becomes routine and simple. (Julia Ormond)

- You will never change your life unless you change something you do daily. (Mike Murdock)

- Happiness is a good surrogate, the habit heaven has given. (Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin)

- The image we have of ourselves and our habits tend to go together. Change one and you will automatically see the other change. (Maxwell Maltz)

- When something becomes a habit, it also manages to get quite far from the facts and the truth. (William Cutberth Faulkner)

- Motivation is what starts. Habit is what keeps you moving. (Jim Ryun)

- I wanted a different life, which didn't take me every day to do the same things with the same people in the same workplace. I wanted to face interesting challenges. (Harrison Ford)

- If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've always had. (Warren G. Bennis)

- Habit is like rust. (Javier Bardem)

- A sure way of inducing people to believe false things is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth. (Daniel Kahneman)

- If you believe you can change it, making it a habit, the change will become real. This is the authentic power of habit: knowing that our habits are what we want them to be. (Charles Duhigg)

- Generally, the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they become too heavy to be broken. (Samuel Johnson)

- If young people could not help but realize how quickly they become simple bundles of walking habits, they would pay more attention to their conduct while they are in a plastic state. We are detaching ourselves from our own destinies, good or bad, and we will never be incomplete. (William James)

- Routine, this premise for revolutions! (Emile De Girardin)

- Without the help of prejudice and habit I would not be able to cross the room. (William Hazlitt)

- Who once touched heaven, how could he then content himself with everyday life? (Alain Fournier)

- Habit, which has enormous power over us in every field, has no strength in any other field as much as in teaching us servitude. (Etienne De La Boetie)

- Leaving is to win a fight against habit. (Paul Morand)

- The most dangerous temptations are not due to the energetic, sudden flames of desire, 'the lust of the flesh', but to the lack of enthusiasm for the flesh, its laziness and inertia, our tendency to become creatures of habit. (Sigrid Undset)

- Humans dedicate their lives to repeating things, gestures and behaviors that they call habits. (Luis Sepùlveda)

- Thought manifests itself through the word; the word is manifested by purpose; the purpose develops in habit; and habit is consolidated in character. Then watch the thought and its ways carefully, and let it arise from love; born of consideration for all beings. (Buddha)

- Basically, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control over our constant actions. It is not what we do for once to shape our life, but what we do systematically. (Anthony Robbins)

Aphorisms on habit

- Whatever your current situation, I assure you that you are not your habits. You can replace old patterns of self-harming behavior with new patterns, new habits of effectiveness, happiness and relationships based on trust. (Stephen R. Covy)

- The repetition of the same thought or physical action develops in a habit that, repeated with the necessary frequency, becomes an automatic reflex. (Norman Vincent Peale)

- Habit can replace love, not falling in love. (Javier Marias)

- Habits begin as observations, ideas and improvised images. And then, layer by layer, through practice, from spider webs they become cables that secure and strengthen our lives. (Denis Waitley)

- Sow an action and collect a habit. Sow a habit and reap a character. Sow a character and reap fate. (Charles Reade)

- Truly frivolous people are those who love only once in a lifetime. What they call loyalty or loyalty I call a habit of hibernation or a lack of imagination. (Oscar Wilde)

- Bad habits are like bad teeth: they must be removed. (Robert Baden Powell)

- Success is not a destination, but a journey. And an all-round attitude in governing our thoughts and emotions as well as healthy habits are the equipment we need for the trip. (Bob Cummings)

- Living wisely perhaps consists less in acquiring good habits than in acquiring as few habits as possible. (Eric Hoffer)

- Our character is basically composed of our habits. Because these are reliable, often unconscious, models that constantly express our character on a daily basis. (Stephen R. Covy)

- Choose the life that is most useful, and habit will make it the most pleasant. (Francis Bacon)

- Nobody dares to say goodbye to habit. Many suicides stopped on the threshold of death for the memory of the coffee where they go every night to play their game of dominoes. (Honoré De Balzac)

- Curiously, habits. People themselves never know they have them. (Agatha Christie)

- When every day they become the same it is because one no longer notices the beautiful things that happen in life whenever the sun crosses the sky. (Paulo Coelho)

- Moral excellence is the result of habit. We become righteous by doing righteous actions, tempering by taking temperate, courageous actions, by carrying out courageous actions. (Aristotle)

- Basically there is no idea that you don't end up getting used to. (Albert Camus)

- What happens in every struggle between our higher aspirations and our mundane tendencies is that habit takes sides with the latter. It is therefore necessary to replace our bad habits with good habits. (Paramahansa Yogananda)

- Habit. It is often mistaken for love. (Marlene Dietrich)

- Habit often prevails over reason, and only serves to deceive reason. (John Wilmot)

- The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits that he acquired during the first half. (Fedor Michajlovic Dostoevskij)

- It is our noticing them that puts objects in a room, our habit that removes them again and frees up space for us. (Marcel Proust)

- It is assumed that anyone who is rich does not need to steal. But it is not easy to change one's habits. (Michelangelo)

- If you don't want to be easy to anger, don't feed the habit; don't give her anything that can help her increase. (Epictetus)

- Learning a new habit is everything, because it means reaching the substance of life. Life is nothing but a fabric of habits. (Henri Frederic Amiel)

- The time we have at our disposal every day is elastic: the passions we feel expand it, those we inspire contract it; and habit fills what remains. (Marcel Proust)

- Changing you rest, and it is hard to be afflicted and always governed by the same things.(Heraclitus)

- Daily criterion. You will rarely be wrong if you go back to extreme actions to vanity, mediocre ones to habit and petty actions to fear. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)

- Man is an animal that lives on habits. He becomes attached to places, detests changes. (John Ernst Steinbeck)

- When I carefully consider the curious habits of dogs, I am forced to conclude that man is a superior animal. But when I consider man's curious habits, I confess to you, friend, that I remain uncertain. (Ezra Pound)

- When one starts to live out of habit and quotes, one begins to stop living. (James Arthur Baldwin)

- There is no tyrant like habit, and no freedom where his edicts find no opposition. (Christian Nestell Bovee)

- We usually live with our being reduced to a minimum; most of our faculties remain asleep, resting on habit, which knows what there is to do and does not need them. (Marcel Proust)

- The truth is that our best moments are easy to happen when we feel deeply unhappy, unhappy, or missing something. Because it is only in these moments that, driven by our despair, that we are ready to detach ourselves from our habits and to start looking for different ways or true answers. (Morgan Scott Peck)

Phrases about habit

- Habit inhibits our ability to perceive the extraordinary nature of the world. (Salman Rushdie)

- Habit converts sumptuous pleasures into daily needs. (Aldous Leonard Huxley)

- Sometimes it is necessary to decide between one thing you are used to and another that we would like to know. (Paulo Coelho)

- The great cultural changes begin in affectation and end in routine. (Jacques Martin Barzun)

- If you think the adventure is dangerous, try the routine. It is lethal. (Paulo Coelho)

- Habit ... is the great guide of human life. (David Hume)

- In love, it is easier to give up a feeling than to lose a habit. (Marcel Proust)

- An infantile man is not a man whose development has been arrested: on the contrary, he is a man who has given himself a chance to continue developing long after many adults have wrapped themselves in the cocoon of habits and conventions middle-aged. (Aldous Huxley)

- Habit, custom and tradition are stronger than truth. There is a need for a new revolution of the spirit, there is a need for a new enthusiasm, to destroy the old. (Voltaire)

- Art shakes the dust accumulated in everyday life from the soul. (Pablo Picasso)

- The only habit that should be taught to children is that they should not submit to anyone. (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

- The habit to which we do not resist becomes necessity. (St. Augustine)

- I can't do the same thing every night, the same movements ... it's like wearing the same dirty panties every day. (Brigitte Bardot)

- It could be profitable to break away from the habit of listening to only what is immediately clear. (Martin Heidegger)

- Of the seven dwarfs, only cub had a shaved face. This should tell us something about the habit of shaving. (Tom Robbins)

- Being depressed is a habit; being happy is a habit; and the choice is up to you. (Tom Hopkins)

- People often say that motivation doesn't last long. Here, the same can be said of a good bathroom, that's why we recommend it every day. (Zig Ziglar)

- Just because that's how you do it doesn't mean you have to do it! (Lily James)

- Habit and routine have an incredible power to waste and destroy. (Henri De Lubac)

- The most dangerous phrase ever is: We have always done so. (Grace Murray Hopper)

- There are so many unhappy people who nevertheless do not take the initiative to change their situation because it is conditioned by security, conformism, traditionalism, all things that seem to ensure peace of mind, but in reality for the adventurous soul of there is nothing more devastating than a certain future for a man. (Jon Krakauer)

- The enormous load of traditions, habits and customs that occupies most of our brain mercilessly ballasts the brightest and most innovative ideas. (José Saramago)

- Certainty, habit, predictability kill not only passion but also enjoyment, which is related to surprise. (Soren Kierkegaard)

- The only person you fight with is yourself and your stubbornness not to throw yourself into new experiences. (Jon Krakauer)

- Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt or fear are ways that lead to failure. When you subdue the negative attitude of doubt and fear, you subdue failure. Thoughts crystallize in habits and habits solidify in circumstances. (Brian Adams)

- Justice can exist only when there is a codified law or a practice respected by the majority. (Ron Hubbard)

- There are habits which it is more honorable to transgress than to follow. (William Shakespeare)

- The maxims remain insignificant until they materialize in habits. (Khalil Gibran)

- Love that is not renewed every day becomes a habit and turns into slavery. (Khalil Gibran)

- Habit hides the true aspect of things from us. (Michel Eyquem De Montaigne)

- The habit and fixity of mental attitudes dull the senses and hide the true nature of things. (Bruce Chatwin)

- Sometimes it is a bad habit to be unhappy. (George Eliot)

- Habit is a great muted. (Samuel Beckett)

- Habit is habit, and it must not be thrown out of the window by anyone; but persuaded to go down the stairs one step at a time. (Mark Twain)

How to Pronounce QUOTE -- American English Pronunciation (January 2025)

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