Roasted veal rognonata: pan-fried loin recipe


How to cook veal loin in a pan, a simple recipe to prepare, for which cooking over moderate heat is required, to be served cut into slices arranged in a tray and sprinkled with the cooking base.

Ingredients for 6 people

- 1,200 kg of veal sirloin, with fillet and kidney attached

- 70 g of butter

- 1/2 glass of dry white wine

- salt and pepper

How to prepare the roast veal kidney

With a sharp knife remove the fat that surrounds the kidney, taking care not to detach it from the veal loin.

With a kitchen string, tie the piece of meat, so that the kidney remains wrapped in it.

In a pan fry 50 g of butter over high heat, then add the piece of meat, salt, pepper and continue the browning by wetting a little at a time with the white wine, letting it evaporate.

Continue cooking over moderate heat for about two hours, sprinkling the meat with very little hot water at a time, and turning it from time to time to cook it evenly.

When cooked, place the meat on a tray and keep it warm.

With two tablespoons of boiling water, melt the cooking residue left in the pan, then pass it through a fine strainer and transfer it to a pan on the fire, when the sauce will raise the boil, remove it and add the remaining butter.

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Slice the meat and pour the prepared sauce over it, then serve immediately on the table.

Tags: Main courses of meat