Skewers of cuttlefish breaded in the oven


How to cook cuttlefish skewers breaded in the oven by passing them in an aromatic breading made with thyme, parsley and tarragon, with breadcrumbs and extra virgin olive oil.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 400 g of already cleaned medium cuttlefish

- 150 g of breadcrumbs

- 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

- thyme, parsley and tarragon

- 1 lemon

- salt and pepper

How to prepare cuttlefish skewers breaded in the oven

Cut the cuttlefish into medium-sized pieces.

Finely chop the aromatic herbs and mix them with the breadcrumbs and half olive oil, salt and pepper, kneading with your hands.

Put the pieces of cuttlefish on the skewers and pass them in the breading making it adhere well.

Bake them in the preheated oven at 190 ° C for about 8-10 minutes.

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Season the skewers with a splash of lemon and extra virgin olive oil.

Breaded Squid Skewers |Mae’s Kitchen |Homecooking (April 2024)

Tags: Fish main courses