Gorgonzola and lettuce salad with stale bread


How to prepare the salad with gorgonzola, a recipe that includes, among the ingredients, stale bread combined with lettuce and spicy mustard, for an intense flavor.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 1 large basket of lettuce salad

- 1 clove of garlic

- 6 slices, thinly sliced, of stale bread

- 1 teaspoon of spicy mustard

- 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar

- 8 tablespoons of olive oil

- salt

- 60 gr of seasoned gorgonzola

Preparation of the salad with gorgonzola and lettuce

Clean, wash and dry the salad by cutting it into pieces small enough to put in the mouth, cut a slice of garlic clove to rub on one side of the slices of bread.

In a salad bowl put mustard and vinegar, to mix with a fork, add oil and salt, then add the gorgonzola cut into small pieces, add the slices of bread and the lettuce salad, then mix and serve immediately on the table.


Tags: Side Dishes