How to cook stewed dogfish with pine nuts and parsley


How to make stewed dogfish, a recipe cooked in a pan which includes, among the ingredients, parsley and pine nuts, description of the preparation.

Ingredients for 4 portions

- 1 clove of garlic

- Parsley

- White wine

- Olive oil

- Sliced ​​dogfish gr. 600

- 4 spoons of pine nuts

- Salt and pepper

Preparation of stewed dogfish

In a saucepan, put a tablespoon of oil and pine nuts, toast them on the fire and still hot crush them in a mortar to reduce them to a dough.

Put it back in the pan with the oil and turn well.

In a pan, brown 8 chopped garlic and parsley in 8 tablespoons of oil, as soon as the garlic colors add the slices of dogfish.

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Brown them on both sides, salt, pepper, then wet with a little wine.

When the fish is cooked, cover the slices with the pine nut mixture and keep on the fire for a moment before serving.

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Tags: Fish main courses