Polenta, basic recipe with yellow flour


Recipe to make polenta with cornmeal and water alone, or half water and half milk, in this case the polenta is more fluid, to be served with a wooden spoon, otherwise, according to tradition, should be cut with a wire. Polenta is good fried and also accompanied with cold milk or cream.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 350 g of yellow flour

- 1 liter and 1/4 water

- salt

How to prepare polenta with yellow flour

Put a copper pot, or a pot, on the fire with the water and salt; bring the liquid to a boil and pour in the yellow flour slowly, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, making sure that no lumps form.

Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, for at least forty minutes, until a smooth and homogeneous mixture is obtained.

If the polenta becomes too firm, add a little boiling water at a time (never cold or lukewarm).

Polenta is ready when it detaches easily from the sides of the cauldron or pan.

When cooked, turn the polenta over a wooden cutting board and bring it to a very hot table, after slicing it with a thread.

Perfect Polenta - How to Make Soft Polenta (April 2024)

Tags: First classics