Phrases of Saint Josephine Bakhita: famous aphorisms


Famous phrases of Saint Josephine Bakhita, famous quotes of the one who expressed herself in the Venetian language, aphorisms, prayers and teachings in expressions that tell of the difficulties along her life path.

Quotes of Saint Josephine Bakhita

- He spoke of God as "el Parón": what he wants el Parón, as good as xé el Parón, as if he does not volerghe ben Parón (what the Lord wants, how good the Lord is, how can he not loving the Lord).

- She said of herself: I am on poor gnoco, as gai fate to tegnerme in the convent? I'm good for nothing, how did they keep me in the convent?).

- When people pity her for her story: Poareta me? I am not a poet because I am from Parón and in my house: those who do not belong to Parón the xé poareti.
(Poor me? I am not poor because I am of the Lord and in his house: those who are not of the Lord are the real poor).

- When people's curiosity caused her suffering: tuti i vole védarme: son propio na bestia rara! (Everyone wants to see me: I'm a rare beast!).

- If during my long slavery I had known God, at least I would have suffered.

- I can really say that I did not die of a miracle from the Lord that destined me to do better things ..

- If I met those black men who kidnapped me and also those who tortured me, I would kneel to kiss their hands, because if this hadn't happened, I wouldn't be Christian and religious now.

- Poor things, they didn't know they hurt me: they were the masters, I was their slave. As we are used to doing good, so black men did this because it was their habit, not out of malice.

- I was in the mud, but I didn't get dirty. By the grace of God I have always been preserved. Our Lady protected me despite the fact that I didn't know her.

- On various occasions I have felt carried by a superior being.

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- Oh Lord, could I fly, over there, to my people and preach your goodness to everyone: oh, how many souls I could conquer you! Among the first, my mom, my dad, my brothers, my sister, still a slave…. everyone, all the poor negroes of Africa, let Jesus know they love you too!

Aphorisms of Saint Josephine Bakhita

- Try to become saints, for heaven's sake!

- Be good, love the Lord, pray for those unhappy who do not know him. If you knew how great it is to know God!

- Oh, they knew how many Africans would already be Catholics if there were missionaries to tell them that God loves them, that Jesus Christ died for them.

- It all passes: we do everything for the Lord. They go to teach the catechism, I will stay in church to pray, because they do it well—

- As everyone has a different face, there is also diversity between brothers! So the Lord also gives different graces.

- Know more and more Jesus to be able to love him.

- It is not beautiful what seems most beautiful, but what the Lord wants.

- I always have the Lord with me; if it comes, well, if not, I have it inside me and I love it.

- Patience, I send my Guardian Angel for me, to then report to me.

- You, Mother, are you surprised that our Lord troubles you? If he doesn't come to us with a little suffering, who should he go to? Didn't we come to the convent to do what he wants? Yes, Mother, I poor grama, I will pray and much, but to do his will.

- How did the Lord get me?

Phrases of Saint Josephine Bakhita

- My whole life has been his gift: men are instruments; thanks to them I had the gift of faith.

- If I was on my knees all my life, I will never say enough my gratitude to the good God.

- I go slowly, slowly, to eternity ... I leave with two suitcases: one, contains my sins, the other, much heavier, the infinite merits of Jesus Christ.

- When I appear before the tribunal of God, I will cover my ugly suitcase with the merits of Our Lady, then I will open the other, I will present the merits of Jesus and I will say to the Eternal Father: "Now judge what you see".

- Oh! I'm sure I won't be put off! "

- Then I will turn to St. Peter's and say to him: "Close the door too, because I am staying"!

- If our Lord did not want you in Heaven, what would you do? Eh, well put me where you want. When I am with Him and wherever He wants, I am well everywhere: He is the Master, I am his poor creature.

- The Lord loved me so much: we must love everyone…. We must sympathize!

- When one person loves another so much, he ardently wishes to go close to her: so why be so afraid of dying? Death brings us to God.

- Do now what you would like to have done then: we will do the judgment now.

- I have given everything to my Master: He will think of me, he is obliged to.

St. Josephine Bakhita HD (April 2024)

Tags: Phrases of Saints