Phrases on drinking alcohol: aphorisms, quotes


Quotes, aphorisms and sentences on drinking alcohol, or on the act of ingesting alcoholic beverages which, in case of abuse, becomes the cause of serious health problems, as well as the bearer of delusions and mental hallucinations.

Quotes on drinking

- Although man is already made up of ninety percent water, teetotalers still don't have enough. (John H. Bangs)

- Evil does not exist; there is God, who sometimes gets drunk. (Tom Waits)

- Life just made me horror. I was terrified of what had to be done just to eat sleep and put on some rag. So I stayed in bed drinking. When you drink the world is always out there waiting for you but for a while at least it doesn't take you by the throat. (Charles Bukowski)

- The only way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you would prefer to avoid. (Mark Twain)

- It was for a woman that I started drinking, and I never had a chance to thank her. (W.C. Fields)

- One of the reasons I don't drink is that I want to notice when I'm having fun. (Nancy Astor)

- Alcohol is an anesthetic that allows you to endure the operation of life. (George Bernard Shaw)

- Alcohol is a substance that kills what is alive and keeps what is dead. (Miguel Zamacois)

- Wine makes the wise foolish and the fool wise. (Carlos Ruiz Zafón)

- The main reason why you drink is the desire to behave in a certain way and then be able to blame alcohol. (Mignon McLaughlin)

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- Not laughing, but drinking belongs to man. I do not mean to drink simply and absolutely, because so also the beasts drink; I say drink good and fresh wine. (François Rabelais)

- At first you drink a glass, then the glass you drink a glass, then the glass you drink yourself. (Francis Scott Fitzgerald)

- Nothing would be more tiring than eating and drinking if God, besides being a necessity, had not made it a pleasure. (Voltaire)

- Alcohol suppresses inhibitions and cancels sublimations. (Sigmund Freud)

- You are wise when you drink well: who does not know how to drink, knows nothing. (Nicolas Boileau)

- Be temperate in drinking: too much wine does not keep secrets or keep promises. (Miguel de Cervantes)

- Wine sellers amaze me, because what can they buy better than what they sell? (Omar Khayyam)

- Why do I drink? Because I can't face life when I'm sober. (Charles Bukowski)

- A Martini is like a woman's breast: one is not enough, three are too many. (Rick Fishman)

- The two great European narcotics, alcohol and Christianity. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

- It is time to drink, time to dance beating the ground with a free foot. (Horace)

- Where drinking enters, intelligence exits. (George Herbert)

- I looked around. There was no woman there in that cafe. I fell back on the thing that is in second place in the ranking: I raised my glass and drained it. (Charles Bukowski)

- You can lead a horse to the water but you cannot force it to drink. (Stephen King)

- A tavern is a place where madness is sold by the bottles. (Jonathan Swift)

- Reality is an illusion created by the lack of alcohol. (Norman Frederick Simpson)

- Wine is the drink of the boys; the Port is that of men; but those who aspire to become a hero must drink Brandy. (Samuel Johnson)

- I drank so much to the health of others that I ended up losing mine. (W.C. Fields)

- I don't know if this is the place where they serve the smallest drinks in the city, but it is the only place I know where they serve martinis in olives. (Steve Allen)

- I only need one shot to get drunk. The problem is that I don't remember if it's the thirtieth or the fortieth. (George Burns)

- I could also say that love is like alcohol. You try it once, it makes your head spin, you want more and more. It makes you feel bad, so bad that you will say you never want to try again. But then, in the next glass you will fall back. And you won't say no. (Charles Bukowski)

- I said so, and he took the cup and drank: and he enjoyed drinking the sweet wine and asked me for another. (Homer)

- When wine comes in, strange things come out. (Friedrich Schiller)

- We will drink tonight with light hearts for love, and cheerful, sparkling wines, like playful bubbles on the edge of the glasses, break on the lips of lovers. (Herman Melville)

- Have a drink.Celebrate the birth of a fierce headache with appropriate ceremonies. (Ambrose Bierce)

- Not laughing, but drinking belongs to man; and I don't mean simply drinking, beasts must also: I mean drinking good and fresh wine. With the wine it becomes divine. (Francois Rabelais)

- I drink Champagne when I'm happy and when I'm sad. Sometimes I drink it when I'm alone. When I have company I consider it mandatory. I sip it when I'm not hungry and drink it when I'm hungry. Otherwise I won't touch it unless I'm thirsty. (Lilly Bollinger)

Drinking aphorisms

- When wine enters, truth comes out. (Benjamin Franklin)

- I don't trust camels, like anyone who can spend a whole week without drinking. (Joe E. Brown)

- A girl and a glass of wine take care of every need; and whoever does not drink and whoever does not kiss is worse than dead. (Goethe)

- I stopped drinking, but only when I sleep. (George Best)

- Wine prepares hearts and makes them more ready for passion. (Ovid)

- No poem written by water drinkers can please or live long. (Horace)

- We are surrounded by life, we will never understand it, so we focus on gulping scotch from the bottle. (Jack Kerouac)

- I have extraordinary self-control. Before breakfast I never drink anything stronger than gin. (W. C. Fields)

- I don't drink alcohol. Not by virtue, but because there is a drink that I like best: water. (Jorge Luis Borges)

- I think I think too much ... that's why I drink. (Janis Joplin)

- Too much wine or too little: if you don't give it to him, he can't find the truth; if you give too much, not even. (Blaise Pascal)

- There cannot be a good way of life where there is no good way of drinking. (Benjamin Franklin)

- Soon! Bring me a jug of cider to wet my mind and say something wise! (Aristophanes)

- I find that alcohol, taken in adequate doses, causes all the symptoms of drunkenness. (Oscar Wilde)

- Although a number of people have tried it, no one has yet found a way to earn a living by drinking. (Jean Kerr)

- To quit drinking I tried with psychoanalysis. Now I drink lying on a sofa. (Boris Makaresko)

- Man differs from animals because he drinks without being thirsty and loves timeless. (José Ortega Gasset)

- Alcohol is like love: the first kiss is magical, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that, just undress the woman. (Raymond Chandler)

- There are some lazy men who improve with drinking, as there are fruits that are not good until they are rotten. (Samuel Johnson)

- An intelligent man is sometimes forced to get drunk to spend time among idiots. (Ernest Hemingway)

- The difference between a camel and a man? The camel can work a week without drinking. The man can drink a week without working. (Julian Tuwim)

- Of all the vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness. (Walter Scott)

- I will purge myself and give up Canarian wine and live honestly as a nobleman should do. (William Shakespeare)

- I'm sorry for people who don't drink. They get up in the morning and cannot feel better all day. (Dean Martin)

- Nothing compares the joy of the man who drinks if not the joy of the wine to be drunk. (Charles Pierre Baudelaire)

- If you decide to stop drinking, smoking and making love, it is not that you live longer: life seems longer. (Clement Freud)

- A tavern is a place where madness is sold by the bottles. (Jonathan Swift)

- Drinking makes people so idiotic, and people are so idiotic in themselves, which means aggravating a crime. (Robert Benchley)

- I really struggle to think of the name of an interesting man who doesn't drink. (Richard Burton)

- I only drink to make the others look more interesting. (George Jean Nathan)

- It is time to drink, time to dance beating the ground with a free foot. (Horace)

- The abstainer: a weak person who gives in to the temptation to deny himself a pleasure. (Ambrose Bierce)

- I made a rule of never drinking in the light of day and never refusing to drink when it's dark. (Henry Louis Mencken)

- If something bad happens you drink to forget; if something beautiful happens, you drink to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen. (Charles Bukowski)

- Drinking gin is a great English vice, but misery and dirt are worse. (Charles Dickens)

- Unfortunately, it is difficult to forget someone drinking an orza. (Hugo Pratt)

- I am a winemaker and a wine collector, so I usually drink. (Isiah Whitlock Jr.)

Phrases about drinking

- Champagne, if you are looking for the truth, is better than a truth machine. Encourage a man to be unconscious, even reckless, while the truth machine is only a challenge to successfully tell lies. (Graham Greene)

- No poem written by water drinkers can please or live long.Ever since Bacchus enlisted poets among his Satyrs and Fauns, the sweet Muses always have wine in the morning. (Horace)

- A drink is too much for me, and a thousand is not enough. (Brendan Behan)

- The lucky man is the one who is unable to drink two glasses without getting drunk. (Jack London)

- I went on a diet: enough with alcohol, no binges and so in fourteen days, I have already lost two weeks. (Joe E. Lewis)

- What I like to drink the most is the wine of others. (Diogenes The Cynic)

- I drink too much. The last time I gave a urine sample there was an olive inside. (Rodney Dangerfield)

- Appetite comes with eating, thirst goes away with drinking. (Francois Rabelais)

- The time between two drinks is long. (J.M. Moreheads)

- It is not eating or drinking that should be blamed, but their excess. (John Selden)

- The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind. (Humphrey Bogart)

- Do not believe to drown the sorrows in alcohol. They can swim. (Albert Willemetz)

- If thirst is not present, I drink for future thirst. (Francois Rabelais)

- A woman and a glass of wine satisfy every need, who does not drink and kiss is worse than dead. (Goethe)

- Whoever drinks only water has a secret to hide. (Charles Baudelaire)

- There is no man who cannot drink or eat, but few are able to understand what it tastes like. (Confucius)

- Under the effect of alcohol, the adult returns a child, who feels the pleasure of thinking freely as he wishes without having to pay attention to the constraint of logic. (Sigmund Freud)

- Of all the animals of creation, man is the only one who drinks without thirst, eats without hunger and speaks without having anything to say. (John Ernst Steinbeck)

- Great is the luck of one who has a good bottle, a good book, a good friend. (Molière)

- When wine comes in, strange things come out. (Friedrich Schiller)

- Ah, Virtue: I could one day reach it ... Meanwhile, pour me a drink! (Anatole France)

- I drink to make other people interesting. (George Jean Nathan)

- Soon! Bring me a jug of cider to wet my mind and say something wise! (Aristophanes)

- From the amphora of that wine in which there is no damage, fill a cup, drink it, and another hand it to me. (Omar Khayyam)

- An unknown old writer said: "Nothing equates the joy of the man who drinks, if not the joy of the wine of being drunk". (Charles Baudelaire)

- I always wanted to be the best in everything: the strongest on the pitch and the one who drank the most at the bar. (George Best)

- The first glass is for thirst; the second, for joy, the third, for pleasure; the fourth, for madness. (Apuleius)

- The last time I saw him he was drunk drenched, his eyes burnt with alcohol. Whenever he brought the bottle to his mouth, it wasn't he who drank it: it was the bottle that drank his brain. (Will Sampson)

- Water is the prose of liquids, alcohol is poetry. (Ferdinand Reiber)

- The only way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you would prefer to avoid. (Mark Twain)

- A woman and a glass of wine satisfy every need, who does not drink and kiss is worse than dead. (Goethe)

- I like pin-ups. I feel more like a man than a woman. But I'm not a lesbian, not before a sambuca, however. (Amy Winehouse)

- I don't trust any bastard who doesn't drink. People who don't drink are afraid to reveal themselves. (Humphrey Bogart)

- We must find someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink, because eating alone means making the life of a lion or a wolf. (Epicurus)

- I really struggle to think of the name of an interesting man who doesn't drink. (Richard Burton)

- True happiness is not at the bottom of a glass, it is not inside a syringe: you find it only in the heart of those who love you. (Jim Morrison)

Funny Drinking Quotes (September 2024)

Tags: Meaningful phrases