Recipe eggs with cheese and walnuts, how they are scrambled


How to make scrambled eggs with cheese and walnuts, a recipe to be cooked in a pan with emmenthal and cooked in butter with a little olive oil.

Ingredients for one serving

- 3 walnut kernels

- 20 gr butter

- 2 little spoons of olive oil

- 2 eggs

- 1 piece of emmenthal weighing about 15 gr

- salt

How to prepare the eggs, cheese and walnuts

Cut the cheese into cubes half a centimeter on each side, then chop the walnut kernels with your fingers roughly.

Put a pan on the stove with a little oil or butter and cook the eggs, previously beaten, with a little salt.

Halfway through cooking, after about two minutes, add the diced cheese prepared beforehand and the small pieces obtained from the walnut kernels.

Finish cooking with another two minutes and pour into a cold dish to stop cooking before serving while still hot.

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Tags: eggs