
July 2: saint of the day, name day

The Saint of the day 2 July is San Bernardino Realino, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date. San Bernardino RealinoSan Bernardino Realino, born in Carpi on...

July 10: saint of the day, name day

The Saint of the day 10 July is Santa Rufina and Seconda, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date. Saints Rufina and SecondSaints Rufina and Seconda, both of...

July 25: saint of the day, name day

The Saint of the day 25 July is Saint James the Apostle, called the Major, which is celebrated as name day and other saints who are celebrated on this date. St. James the ApostleSaint James the...

July 9: saint of the day, name day

The Saint of the day 9 July is Santa Veronica Giuliani, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date. Saint Veronica GiulianiSanta Veronica Giuliani, born in...

July 20: saint of the day, name day

The saint on July 20 is Saint Apollinare bishop, which name day is celebrated and other saints are celebrated on this date. Saint Apollinare bishopSant'Apollinare, born in Antioch and died in...

July 21: saint of the day, name day

The Saint of the day July 21 is San Lorenzo da Brindisi Franciscan doctor, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date. San Lorenzo da BrindisiSan Lorenzo, born...

July 26: saint of the day, name day

The Saint of the day July 26 is Saints Joachim and Anna, which name day is celebrated and other saints that are celebrated on this date. Saints Joachim and AnnaSaints Joachim and Anna, born in the...

July 27: saint of the day, name day

The saint of the day July 27 is martyr San Pantaleone, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date. San PantaleonePantaleone, who lived between the second and...

July 31: saint of the day, name day

The Saint of the day July 31 is Saint Ignatius of Loyola, which name day is celebrated and other saints are celebrated on this date. St. Ignatius of LoyolaSaint Ignatius of Loyola, born in Azpeitia...

July 6: saint of the day, name day

The Saint of the day 6 July is Santa Maria Goretti, which name day is celebrated and other saints who are celebrated on this date. Santa Maria GorettiSanta Maria Teresa Goretti, born in Corinaldo...
